Method of Payment

Payments will be accepted at the TIS NW office during regular office hours. Please make sure to come in and pay for the sessions during that time. If it is easier to do an online payment, follow the Online Payment Instructions and send a photo of your payment to and Please include your child’s name and the phone number used in their registration.

To calculate your payment, multiply the total number of sessions by:

TIS STUDENT:   $1600 /session/week                  

REGULAR:           $2400 /session/week

TIS 北冀辦公室將在正常辦公時間內接受付款。請確保此段時間內前來付款, 如果在線支付較為方便,請遵循在線支付說明,然後把你的付款證明截圖再發至。電郵主旨請註明你孩子的姓名和註冊時使用的電話號碼。


TIS學生:$ 1600 /節/週

TIS學生:$ 2400 //週