Marketing Education

Mrs. Aubrey Davis 

About Me

I am a Brighton High School Alumni and continued my education to receive my bachelor's degree at the University of Memphis with a BBA, my major is in Marketing Management and my minor is in Social Media Marketing. Following receiving my undergrad I got my Masters in Art of Communication with a concentration in Corporate Communication from Austin Peay State University. 

I decided to come back to Brighton and teach the Marketing program because I wanted to grow the program that made me who I am today. The courses I teach provide information and experience that students can use regardless of where their future path will take them. 

Contact Information 


Room Number: 204

Planning Period: 2nd Odd


Tutoring is offered every Tuesday from 2:45 - 3:45. Let me know beforehand if you plan to come. If Tuesday does not work come talk to me and we will work together to find a time that does. 

Classes Offered 

Introduction to Business & Marketing

Marketing 2

Social Media Marketing & Analytics
