
1st Food Service- xswgydk

2nd Earth and Space Science- bfzjmfj

3rd Life Skills- xbpljvw

4th Physical Science- 2l474gp


2nd Biology- 2qelabz

3rd Food Service-loucea3

4th World History- jervfz6


Below you will find a list of IXL logins, most of the VAP teachers will be using IXL in some way. Please only use your login and remember to add @tcsd to the username if it is not present at the login.


Login: kwilliams@tcsd

Password: school57


Below are the class codes for readworks

1. Go online to https://www.readworks.org/student-authentication

2. Use the class code for your class below

3. Find your name

4. Password is 1234

5. Go to assignments and complete