Timothy-MK Solutions, LLC, founded in 2022, is a premier technology and leadership consultancy led by a dedicated expert - myself. I specialize in the implementation, training, and maintenance of zenphi, a transformative process automation platform integrated within Google Workspace. Single-handedly, I ensure all clients receive a tailored, personal service to streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and ignite growth.

Apart from my proficiency in technology, I'm a renowned authority in leadership. My recently published book, "Ignite! Leadership Excellence: Be the Leader They Remember", has achieved top rankings on Amazon, cementing my expertise in the domain. This book encapsulates my years of wisdom and insights into impactful leadership, aiming to inspire and guide aspiring leaders.

Building on this momentum, I am developing the "Ignite! Leadership Academy". Slated for launch in Fall 2023, this innovative platform will offer comprehensive leadership development resources, equipping individuals with the skills they need to thrive in their roles.

In every interaction and every service, I embody the principles of partnership and dedication. Whether it's through advanced technology solutions or leadership insights, Timothy-MK Solutions is committed to driving success, one client at a time.