New Teachers
NEW CTAE Teacher Conference
The most CRITICAL thing a new teacher can do is participate in this conference. Teaching is unlike anything you have ever done. In your industry you were a proud professional. Moving to teaching is a challenge because things are so confusing when you transition. You want to be as good at teaching as your were in your trade! Build your teaching network starting with this VIRTUAL and FREE conference hosted by the GDOE and CTAERN.
See the New CTAE Teacher Conference flyer for more information. You must register through CTAERN. Currently this workshop is full; however, you can email Sandra Martin ( to be added to the waitlist.
Certification Options
UGA Non-Degree Certification in Workforce Education
This program serves candidates seeking initial certification in any career and technical education field. You may take it as post-baccalaureate or professional learning units (PLU). This program primarily serves healthcare science and trade and industrial educators.
Click Here to learn more
Valdosta State University - Initial Teacher
Initial teacher education programs follow a similar course of study. All initial teacher preparation programs require extensive field experiences in diverse school settings.
Click Here to learn more