Support for NCS
賽馬會體藝中學 Jockey Club Ti-I College
Education Support Provided for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
School Support Summary for the 2022/23 School Year
Our school was provided with additional funding by the Education Bureau in the 2022/23 school year. With reference to school-based circumstances, we provided support for our NCS students and assigned a dedicated team to coordinate relating matters. Details are as follows:
1. 聘請2名額外教師以支援非華語學生學習中文 Appointing 2 additional teachers to support the learning of Chinese of NCS students.
2. 中文課堂上提供的支援 In-class support provided in Chinese Language lessons:
2.1小組教學 Small-group learning
Arrange NCS students to study Chinese in small groups. Reduce the teacher-student ratio to care for students more comprehensively.
2.2抽離教學 Pull-out learning
安排非華語學生學習GCSE / GCE中文課程,讓非華語學生依據中文能力調適課程
Arrange NCS students to join GCSE/ GCE Chinese curriculum, provide suitable Chinese curriculum for NCS students.
2.3協作教學 Co-teaching
Arrange teacher collaboration for oral teaching, reduce the teacher-student ratio to care for students more comprehensively.
3. 課後提供的支援 After-school support:
中文學習小組 Chinese learning groups
Arrange NCS to join the after-school tutorial lessons, increase opportunities for NCS students to learn Chinese.
Our school’s measures for creating an inclusive learning environment included:
1. 提供機會讓非華語學生在校內或校外與華語同儕一起學習和交流,例如:安排非華語生參加學生團體/學會/校隊。
Providing opportunities for NCS students to learn and interact with their Chinese-speaking peers in school or outside school. (e.g. engaging NCS students in student bodies/clubs and societies/sports teams).
2. 翻譯主要學校通告/學校網頁的重要事項。
Translating major school circulars/important matters on school webpage.
Our school’s measures for promoting home-school cooperation with parents of NCS students included:
1. 定期與非華語學生的家長討論其子女的學習進度(包括中文學習)。
Discussing the learning progress (including learning of Chinese) of NCS students with their parents on a regular basis.
2. 為非華語學生的家長提供有關其子女選校/升學/就業的資訊。
Providing parents of NCS student(s) with information on school choices/further studies/career pursuits for their children.
3. 向非華語學生的家長解釋和強調子女學好中文的重要性。
Explaining to parents of NCS student(s) and emphasizing the importance for their children to master the Chinese language.
*The support measures mentioned above are for reference only. Depending on the different learning progress and needs of NCS students of each school year, as well as allocation of school resources, our school will adjust the support measures concerned. For further enquiries about the education support our school provides for NCS students, please contact Mr. Wong Man Kin (Head of Chinese Language) at 26917150.