Campus Art project

Since the beginning of 2024, over 200 visual art major students in Ti-I dedicated themselves to the Campus Arts Project - a project that aims to renovate different communal areas around the school campus. 

Meetings were arranged for the VA majors to provide them with a better understanding of how a space design project runs. In collaboration with various stakeholders such as subject panel heads as well as peers, our VA students were able to improve their designs by implementing their comments. On 12 Apr, the designs were presented to professional architects and designers, giving them an insider view of architecture.

Students have started their design journey on the following themes of the open space on different floors:

G/F - Power Zone

2/F - 文藝匯

3/F - STEAM in Action

4/F - One Globe One World

5/F - Wonders of Life

Just be patient and we'll see what they come up with!