Alumni Gala Day 

Alumni Gala Day successfully concluded on April 7, 2024.

The weather was beautiful that day, and all Ti-I families gathered to participate in a variety of colourful activities. At the fun fair booths, alumni and long-lost teachers had their reunion. The young children made some cotton candy by themselves, while others hand-painted Easter eggs. The area was filled with laughter and joy. Ti-ians from different graduating classes engaged in and showcased their skills in basketball and table tennis matches, creating a lively atmosphere. The next generation of Ti-ians exceled in track and field competitions, obstacle races and zipline activity; on the korfball court, our alumni created unforgettable experiences. All Ti-I families spent joyful time together, leaving behind different memories.




Dear alumni, mark your 📅 and come back home for a joyful day on 7 April!