St.Catherine's Breakwater

St.Catherine's Breakwater is located in the North-East of the island of Jersey. The breakwater was completed in 1855 by Royal Navy to be prepared for the threat of invasion by the French forces. At the breakwater you can find local people fishing and taking a stroll along the breakwater.

Virtual Reality Tour


Wheel-chair accessible for all types of wheelchairs maybe be harder with manual wheelchairs on the upper path.

Assistance dog friendly. Assistance dogs should have no problem at St.Catherine's Breakwater.

Visually impaired persons would be able to visit the St.Catherine's Breakwater but, would need a guide due to uneven surface and proximity to the sea.

This site is Autism-Friendly. If the Autistic person has the tendencies to elope this may not be the right site as there are wide gaps in the railings.


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