Summer 2024

Year 5

Summer 2024

Year 5


Welcome back to the Summer Term. I hope you all had a fun but restful Easter. Please find below an overview of the learning taking place this term in Year 5. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me (  Mrs Khan

As readers and writers, we will begin with a   narrative unit linked to the book, Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce. Within these sessions, we will develop our knowledge of features within this genre, whilst continuing to focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar.

After half-term, we will be exploring non-fiction based on a balanced argument text model around 'screen use'.

As mathematicians, we will learn about: Percentages; 3-D and 2-D shapes; Reflection and translation; Angles; Conversion of Imperial and Metric Units of Measure; Reading Timetables and Calculating with Time; Distinguish between Regular and Irregular Polygons; Statistics – Solve Comparison, Sum and Difference Problems using Information in a Line Graph; Statistics – Interpreting and Evaluating Information Presented in Charts and Tables and Roman Numerals

As scientists, we will be comparing and grouping together everyday materials based on their properties, including hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity and response to magnets. 

As computer scientists, we will learn how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records. We will use tools within a database to order and answer questions about data and then create graphs and charts from our data to help solve problems.

After the half-term, we will develop our knowledge of selection by revisiting how conditions can be used in programs and then learning how the If… Then… Else structure can be used to select different outcomes depending on whether a condition is true or false. We will represent this understanding in algorithms and then by constructing programs using the Scratch programming environment. 

As geographers, we will learn about: Where Europe is and what its countries are like; Some of the countries and capital cities of Europe; Why you would visit the Mediterranean; Why migrants are coming to Greece; What the landscape of Greece is like today; Where would you visit in Athens and how everyday life in Athens compares with that in other places.

 Website to support learning:

Username: Y5TG 

Password: Y5TGOZ

As historians, we will learn about how the Industrial Revolution and the ideas of the Victorian era impacted modern Britain and the rest of the world.

As artists, we will be investigating the built environment through drawing and printmaking, learning about the work of architect Zaha Hadid and creating our own building designs, creatively presenting research on artist Hundertwasser and exploring ideas behind the symbolism of monument design.

As designers, we will be exploring series circuits and motors.

In Relationship and Health Education, we will begin the term with our 'Staying Safe' unit and then move onto 'Growing and Changing' after the half-term.

In French, we will be learning how to talk about different modes of transport and how to ask and answer the question 'How do you get to school?'

As learners of religion, we will be comparing forgiveness in Judaism and Buddhism.


As musicians, we will be listening to and appraising songs in the Motown style and learning to sing 'Dancing In The Street' by Martha and the Vandellas.

As athletes, we will take part in athletics and cricket.  

PE sessions will be held on Wednesday and Friday.

Home learning will continue to be set online.  Children should be practising their times tables (using TTRS) and spellings (using Spelling Shed) everyday (Monday to Friday). Optional homework will also be set via Atom Learning. 

We are also continuing our drive to encourage more children to read for pleasure.  Research shows a positive link between reading frequency and enjoyment and educational attainment.  Please ensure that your child is engaging with 15-20 minutes reading everyday. It is really helpful if you can take some time to read with your child and ask questions about what they have read. This will help to support their developing comprehension skills. When your child finishes reading a book, they will have the opportunity to complete an Accelerated Reader quiz at school. 

Our primary concern is that children are happy in school so please do feel free to contact us if they are experiencing any difficulties so that we can offer any support that they might need.