Year 4



Please do email me should you have any questions or concerns –

As readers and writers, we will learn....

Focussing on the inspiring poem "I Rise" by Maya Angelou we will unpack the ideas of hurtful words, bullying and emotions both positive and negative. 

The Year 4 pupils will write their own poems which include comparison as well as hurtful, direct and questioning verses. We will continue to use repetition, adverbial phrases, similes and metaphor in our writing. 

As mathematicians, we will focus on the four rules of number. There will be a particular focus on learning times table facts (up to 12x). 

The term starts with adding and subtracting fractions then moving on to solving decimal problems,  money, formal written multiplication and division. 

As scientists, we will learn

We will continue to study the Changing States of Materials by investigating how matter changes from solid to liquids and vice versa.

The second half of the term will be a focus on Electricity and simple circuits. 

As computer scientists, we will start the term with Data Logging followed by Programming

As geographers, we will learn consolidate our learning about the Amazon. This will be followed by 

As historians, we will continue to  learn about the Vikings and then move on to the Normans. 

As artists, we will be using the beauty of nature to inspire our work. 

As designers, we will learn about what is needed to build a slingshot car.

In Relationship and Health Education, we will focus on personal safety and hazzards. We then move on to taking care of my environment and maintaining healthy  relationships. 

In French, we will be learning numbers to 31, my body, colours and asking for things. We will also continue to communicate with our french pen pals. 

As learners of religion, we will consider the importance of Food and Fasting as part of faith. 

In Makaton, we will be learning the signs to accompany the French vocab.

As musicians, we will starting the "Sing Up" scheme and learning different types of songs. 

As athletes, we will take part in Netball and Dodgeball as well as Forest School sessions.

PE sessions will be held on Tuesday. 

Home learning will continue to be set online.  

We are also continuing our drive to encourage more children to read for pleasure.  Research shows a positive link between reading frequency and enjoyment and educational attainment.  Please continue to support your children by reading with them, discussing their reading and ensuring time is set aside for reading.

Our primary concern is that children are happy in school so please do feel free to contact us if they are experiencing any difficulties so that we can offer any support that they might need.