Spring 2025

Year 3

Welcome back! 

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break with your families. It was lovely to welcome the children back for a new term.  Please find below an overview of what the children will be learning this year in the Spring term.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to catch me at the end of the school day or email me on my school email ebrett@thorngrove.herts.sch.uk.

As readers and writers, we will continue to read and explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. We will continue to focus on our comprehension skills in order to develop our understanding of a text. Within our writing, we will develop our use of vocabulary and sentence structure. We will explore ways to make our writing more imaginative and interesting for the reader.

As mathematicians, we will cover the following topics: multiplication, division, statistics, worded problems, and fractions. 

During our times tables sessions, we will further consolidate our learning of our 3 and 4 times tables, focussing on multiplication and division facts. 

Number fluency will also continue to be an important focus this term.

As scientists, we will continue our learning about light. We will use scientific enquiry skills and carry out investigations to discover how shadows are formed and how they change. We will later learn about different types of rocks and soils. 

As computer scientists, we will explore simple animations. We will also explore programming using Scratch computer software.

As geographers, we will learn to locate North America on a map and identify countries of North America. We will also explore the Rocky Mountain range and discover the effects of the Mt St Helen’s eruption.

As historians, we will learn about the Roman Empire and what life was like in Ancient Rome. 

Our learning will be enriched by a trip to Southmill Arts where we will learn about links between the Romans and Bishops Stortford. 

As artists, we will learn to develop drawing and painting techniques. We will learn about different kinds of artwork and use these as inspiration to create our own work.

As designers, we will learn to explore, plan, make and evaluate our own pneumatic toy.

In Relationship and Health Education, we will learn how to keep safe in different situations. We will also discuss the importance of respecting others. 

In French, we will learn basic classroom instructions which we will aim to use regularly in our school day, as well as starting to learn the French alphabet. 

As learners of religion, we will learn about Hinduism, focusing on its origins, core beliefs, festivals and special places.

In Makaton, we will learn and practice our school song -  What I am

As musicians, we will learn
Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley and song called ‘The Dragon Song’. This song is all about kindness, friendships and respect. 

As athletes, we will learn key skills of tag rugby. We will also explore problem solving within our indoor PE sessions. After half term, we will be learning to play hockey.

Sessions will be held on Tuesday. The children will also have Forest School on Wednesdays. 

This term we will be focusing on the essential skills Aiming High, Creativity and Staying Positive.  Click here for more information about Skills Builder. 

Skills Builder has a resource platform dedicated to helping parents and carers to build their child’s essential skills at home: Skills Builder Homezone (skillsbuilder.org/homezone). 

Home learning will continue to be set online.  

We are also continuing our drive to encourage more children to read for pleasure.  Research shows a positive link between reading frequency and enjoyment and educational attainment.  Please continue to support your children by reading with them daily, discussing their reading and ensuring time is set aside for reading.

Our primary concern is that children are happy in school so please do feel free to contact us if they are experiencing any difficulties so that we can offer any support that they might need.