Spring 2024 

Year 2

Hello! Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break with your families. It has been lovely to welcome the children back for a new term. The children have settled back into our school routines well. As always, we have lots of exciting units of learning to get stuck into this term; please find an overview of our subject units below. 

As writers, we will learn to write a letter using the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt and then progress onto writing a poem inspired by the poem 'The day I changed the world'

We will follow a method called ‘sentence stacking’. This aims to bring clarity to the mechanics of writing through various lenses, providing students with short, intensive moments of learning that they can then immediately apply to their own writing. Students will independently draw upon previously learnt writing skills and apply them to their writing during specific learning chunks and within an independent write later on in the unit. This learning style will be used to support and enrich many other areas of learning across the curriculum throughout the term.

As readers the children will continue to learn valuable skills to support them to explain, retrieve and infer information from the RWI scheme. It is important that the children also continue to read regularly at home to an adult to support their reading fluency. 

As mathematicians, we will continue our number fluency journey to imbed quick fluency skills to support other aspects of the maths curriculum. 

In lessons, the children will learn how to interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables. The children will then begin to use and apply their skills of working with small numbers as they learn written methods of addition and subtraction within 100. Next half term, we will move on to explore the concepts of multiplication and division, which will include learning and memorising facts from the 2-, 5- and 10-times tables. It would be great if you could support your children at home by encouraging them to count objects and money in twos, fives and tens.   

As scientists, we will learn to explore different animal and human lifecycles, and notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults. Next half term, the children will learn about the uses of everyday materials. We will spend time thinking about how we can reuse and recycle for different uses. Learning will be closely focused on scientific enquiry, providing a range of opportunities for children to apply practical scientific methods and skills.   

As computer scientists, we will continue to develop the computer skills needed for safe and effective computer use. Pupils will being using IPad to take excellent photos as part of our creating media topic and then after half term, the class will be creating different pictograms which will link well into out Maths learning of statistics 

As geographers, we will develop their knowledge of human and physical features within the local area and around the world. They will also continue to develop their mapping skills.

As historians, we will learn about The Space Race which led to The First Moon Landing in 1969. They will then compare the expedition to the moon with another famous expedition to develop their historical understanding. 

As artists, we will learn about primary and secondary colours and apply our knowledge to match colours effectively.  We will also consider different tools to recreate textures and choose materials to create collages.  

As designers, we will learn to  we will build on our textiles and sewing knowledge to create pouches 

In Relationship and Health Education, we will focus on Keeping Safe and Rights and Respect.  The children will learn what sorts of boundaries are appropriate in friendships with peers and others, how to recognise and talk about their emotions, including having a varied vocabulary of words to use when talking about their own and others' feelings and the benefits of physical exercise, time outdoors, community participation on mental wellbeing and happiness 

French is taught in KS2

As learners of religion, we will consider explore how beginnings and endings are marked in special ways in different religions and our

own lives.

In Makaton, we will learn our school song -  What I am  

As musicians, we will learn three songs using the ‘Sing Up’ Scheme of work.  The first will be Tony Chestnut, followed by Carnival of the animals. We will then use musical instrument to compose music inspired by birdsongs 

As athletes, we will take part in dodging, where pupils will be practicing their dodging skills in various different sports and Pathways in which children will be continuing their gymnastics skills in order to become excellent gymnasts. 

PE sessions will be held on Wednesday and Friday afternoon

Home learning will continue to be set online.  

We are also continuing our drive to encourage more children to read for pleasure.  Research shows a positive link between reading frequency and enjoyment and educational attainment.  Please continue to support your children by [reading with them daily / discussing their reading / ensuring time is set aside for reading].

Our primary concern is that children are happy in school so please do feel free to contact us if they are experiencing any difficulties so that we can offer any support that they might need. My e-mail is nmistry@thorngrove.herts.sch.uk  or alternatively plese speak to me after school.