Opportunities at BHS for

Advanced Placement and

Concurrent Enrollment High School Select


Considering taking an AP or Concurrent Enrollment High School Select Class next year?  Please look carefully at the syllabus and most recent summer homework assignments (they may change slightly) for each one you're thinking about, and take note of the typical homework load under the course title (this information is provided by each class teacher).  

In many cases you are expected to purchase your own text(s) - please note that under each class and plan to do so BEFORE the beginning of the school year.  Links to texts go to Amazon, but students/families are encouraged to search for additional options if desired, like buying more locally through bookshop.org, buying a copy from a former student, renting books, or the like.

Advanced Placement Classes

AP Biology

2-3 hrs homework/wk  - Homework is often: Topic summary notes, Lab write-ups, Online Quizzes, Content worksheets 

AP Syllabus

Most recent Summer Assignment

Book (student-acquired)

Test-prep book (student acquired)

Please note, any recent addition of the textbook or review book works.

AP Calculus AB

Expect approximately 30 minutes to an hour a night outside of class (so 2 hours to 5 hours a week), mainly doing practice problems 

AP Calculus BC

Expect about 1 hour outside of class for each class period.  Most of the time is spent working on problem sets with occasional videos and projects. 

AP Chemistry

Expect 4-5 hours outside of class per week completing practice, labs (inquiry and  traditional),  reading assignments, 

videos, and deepening understanding through reviewing classwork.

AP Computer    Science A

Periodic homework assignments

AP Syllabus

No Summer Assignment

No required textbook

AP Computer Science Principles

Periodic homework assignments

AP Syllabus

No Summer Assignment

No required textbook

AP English Language and Composition

Expect 4-5 hours outside of class per week with mostly reading and some essay writing. 

AP Literature and Composition

Fall Semester Syllabus

Spring Semester Syllabus

Most recent Summer Assignment

Books (student-acquired):

AP Human Geography

Students can expect to spend 1-2 hours per week reading and completing the textbook reading assignment. Projects & other work will be completed in class and only taken home if not completed in the time given.  

AP Physics 1

Students should spend at least one hour per day reviewing what we did in class and going over any chapter reading assignments and practice problems.  This amount of time will increase when Laboratory reports are due or before a major exam.

AP Physics 2

Students should spend at least one hour per day reviewing what we did in class and going over any chapter reading assignments and practice problems.  This amount of time will increase when Laboratory reports are due or before a major exam.

AP Syllabus

Summer Assignment Required, varies

Book (student-acquired)

AP Physics C

Students should spend at least one hour per day reviewing what we did in class and going over any chapter reading assignments and practice problems.  This amount of time will increase when Laboratory reports are due or before a major exam.

AP Psychology

Expect a maximum of 3-4 hours per week of reading and project completion

AP Syllabus

The summer assignment takes approximately 3 weeks to complete

Book (student acquired)

AP Statistics

We read approximately 1 chapter per week and do problem sets each week.  Outside of class time is usually reading, interpreting graphs, and small projects.  Expect about 1 hour outside of class for each class period. 

AP Studio Art

Students are asked to complete their "Sustained Investigation" as homework with a completed art piece to be submitted to the instructor every 2 weeks. The amount of time spent on this homework could range from 5-20 hours a week depending on ideas and creative inspiration. 

AP United States History

Most students spend 2-4 hours per week on homework. Textbook reading is the only required homework; expect a reading assignment every day between 4-15 pages in length. Additional homework is optional, including video supplements and  assignments.  

Course Syllabus

No summer homework

Please see a sample of the textbook here to better understand the weekly reading requirements/expectations.

Book (student-acquired)

Additional Class Information

Concurrent Enrollment High School Select Classes

College Composition 1

This class is conducted as a college class, with expectations that students embrace their responsibility to read and write as assigned and strive to improve. 

How class is offered is TBD right now

College Composition 2

This class is conducted as a college class, with expectations that students embrace their responsibility to read and write as assigned and strive to improve. 

How class is offered is TBD right now

Western Civilization

Most students spend 1-3 hours per week on homework. This is almost always reading the textbook and taking notes. Students write a few essays, and there is one end-of-semester final project that is done mostly outside of class. 

Construction 1

(Concurrent Enrollment Credit may be available depending on teacher credentials, commitment form not required)

There is very little homework 

Course Syllabus

No Summer Assignment 

No  required textbook

Introduction to Engineering Design

(Concurrent Enrollment Credit is optional, commitment form not required)

Class may require homework if student lacks focus during class time. 

Course Syllabus

No Summer Assignment

No required textbook