Short film about the life of Michael Medlin, an autograph collector in Holywood.

Essentials 1

Podcast for you, who in your studies are seeing situations related to physical exercise. This feature also offers audio tape scripting.

Essentials 2

A fascinating exploration of the soul food tradition, its relevance to black cultural identity. [Kanopy]

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Embark on four flavorful journeys of cultural nuance and culinary heritage. Issue April/ May 2019, page 55.  [Flipster]

Essentials 2

Dynamic reading - 7 sky-high dining experiences to know and discover flavors.

Essentials 2

Comic book with text and images about Nestè's history - from cocoa beans to chocolate bars.

Essentials 3

Making homemade ramen noodles is surprisingly challenging and totally worth it.

Essentials 3

Almost Famous is a series of mini documentaries, produced by The New York Times, about people who almost became famous.

Essentials 3

COVID conversations: Why is COVID-19 having a disproportionate impact on African American, Latino, and Native American communities? 

Essentials 4

First published in 1813, Pride and Prejudice remains immensely popular and fascinating to modern readers.  

Essentials  4

The war between Kosovo and Serbia ended 20 years ago, but the conflict has never been properly resolved. 

Essentials 4


An experimental museum, where the content is presented through a narrative that combines the accuracy of science with the expressiveness of art, using technology as a support in interactive environments and audiovisual and gaming facilities created from scientific studies conducted by experts and data released all over the world.
Progress 1

Series of stories focusing on America's ubiquitous and potentially destructive fast-food culture .
 Progress 1

The nutrient content of food is declining. Is it because of soil depletion, selective breeding, or... something else?
 Progress 1

What if Spider-Man Joined the Fantastic Four? The identity of Thor passed down to another? A new Hulk? Multiple Spider-Men? Some of the ideas that shook Marvel's foundation got their start right in the realm of remote possibility overseen by the wondering Watcher!

Progress 2 

Think Like a Coder is a 10-episode series that will challenge viewers with programming puzzles.
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Jojo Moyes, author of the bestseller Me Before You, joins Konnie Huq to talk about the final instalment in the Lou Clarke series, Still Me.
  Progress 3 

Would you rather read by a cosy fire, or lazing on the beach? As autumn begins, take our quiz to find out which of the four seasons brings out the bookworm in you. 

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Twins may appear to be cut from the same cloth, but their genes reveal a different pattern .

Progress 3

The clever Sumatran Tiger, Anala, is put through a series of challenges to keep her mentally stimulated, active and healthy.

    Progress 4 

COVID-19 seized 2020, mocking our defenses and dominating our lives. National Geographic looks at the pandemic’s effects on science, nature, and culture.

Progress 4 

In this episode of Today I Learned, National Geographic explorer and volcanologist Stephanie Grocke explains what might be driving Santiaguito’s almost hourly eruptions.
Progress 4 

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Read popular newspapers from around the world and U.S. magazines in an easy-to-read and browse format. 

Access the latest issue of popular magazines in the U.S. including National Geographic, Entrepreneur, Wired, Fast Company and Popular Science. 


BookFlix is a beginners reading website that combines animated fictional stories with related nonfiction books. 


Stream from a selection of over 100 documentaries exploring the most inspirational and interesting contemporary topics in the United States. 
