Gallery @ MOSAIC

Gallery Hours:

Tuesday-Friday 10a-5p

Saturday 11a-4p

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Spring 2024 Art Call: Gifts Differing

On the sixth day, God created humanity in God's image, then called all of the diversity of God's newly created world supremely good. Yet, we live in a world that is often cruel to the diversity and image-bearing creation of God - whether through inaccessible buildings, by overlooking mental health, insisting on binaries instead of spectrums, or failing to see or appreciate the neurodivergence from "typical."  

What might it be like to live in a world where diversity and uniqueness are celebrated and honored rather than mocked and overlooked? That's what we asked our artists to consider with our Spring 2024 art call. 

We welcome you to Gifts Differing, our latest exhibition! And we celebrate the artists who are helping us shed light on God's vast array of creation and the blessings and beauty that come from there truly being no "typical" in our world.

The exhibit opens Friday evening, March 15, 2024, at 7p and runs through June 17, 2024. Here's a peek at our artists' offerings...

In Full Bloom

Reverent Reflections

by Heather Murray

Wisdom Wall

Artists from The Charles W. McDowell Training Center

Division for Blind Services

On the  spiritual power of the arts

In an online reflection, Brother Lee Colombino, S.J. of Loyola University suggests that "when we think of art and spirituality, our first instinct might be to think only of explicitly religious imagery. After all," he writes, "what would our experience of Christianity be without Michaelangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel or Eastern Orthodox Icons? However, we should also be open to finding an experience of God in works of art that may not have any specific religious content." One might also suggest that this includes all aspects of our world.

If we believe that God is the creator of all things and is present in all things, we might apply this same understanding of finding the Divine in everyone and everything with whom and with which we come in contact. How might a lens like this change how we view the world? God?

Brother Colombino suggests that by "being open and attentive to finding God in all things and by engaging imaginative prayer, art can draw us more deeply into our hearts and minds - and into an encounter with God." We agree.

Read the entire reflection here