Must Happen

Ever hear a man of God say "Jesus could come tonight, are you ready?" 


All scriptures are underlined.


It is impossible for Jesus to return tonight.


Top 30 Reasons


Woe unto you pre-tribulation liars !


Feel like you have been lied to for decades?  Do not feel alone, so has the vast majority I have shared this information with.  Moreover they are outraged.


Beloved children, these are not the only things that must happen prior to the Lamb's return.  Below is a list that the Bible teaches will happen with the Church still here.  Yes, the glorious return of our Christ will happen, but not until these items transpire.  These items can happen quickly and could begin at any moment. Loved of God, there is no third coming of Immanuel.  However it was only after listing all these items, our Lord Jesus the Christ said clearly; "Immediately after the Tribulation, shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and then I will gather mine elect."   The world is still here at Jesus' return, as well as the saints who will be gathered after the tares.

I had a very belligerent sister in Christ tell me, "Jesus can come back whenever He wants !"  I told her she was incorrect, because if He did arrive before the above prophecies happened; He would violate His own word, and become a liar and a false prophet.  No, Jesus must follow all future prophecies to the letter, just as He did while visiting earth.

Question: How clear is the word after? 

There are manifold scriptures that echo the same message "After" with great specificity and clarity.  The pre-tribulation deception, is based on a few vague and "personally interpreted" scriptures; that if assigned to a pre-tribulation model, contradict the Bible many times. A few nebulous scriptures cannot violate volumes of crystal clear direct teachings of Christ.  Therefore those interpretations have to be in error, since the Bible is perfect.   Nor should an entire doctrine be formed on such contradictions (see What About).   Let us not allow 'Book Peddlers' or 'Organ Buyers' tell us what Jesus really meant.   How dare any preacher find it seemly to correct the Lord of lords on His crystal clear eschatology.  They will lose their salvation and the plagues of Revelation will be poured out on those 'men of God' that alter Christ's end time teachings

Why does God take the subject of correct prophecy teaching so seriously?  Because incorrect data, SHALL send many 'falling away' in disbelief.  Thinking that the rapture was only a big 'Santa Claus' story or perhaps I missed it.   "I might as well take the mark and feed my baby."  This is why Jesus asked if He would find faith on the earth upon His return.  Why would Jesus ask such a question; especially since the Church is at it's highest numbers? Because He knew that there would be a falling away first; with His phrasing, the message certainly speaks of the majority.  What possibly could cause such a mass majority exodus of their faith; to cause bible reading believers to turn against their God?  It can only be something that is so traumatic and terrifying, that it crumbles the foundations of many.  It will not be martyrdom; since humans die willingly for country and innocence daily, with far greater passion they have and will die for faith in their God.  No, the 'falling away' will be caused by the enemy's great lie of convenience and ease; that the majority has embraced, the pre-tribulation fable.   Beloved a post-tribulation rapture model is the far safer position to cling to mentally, spiritually and physically; to prepare for the worse and hope for the best. The rapture of the Church will happen, just not when the majority thinks.  This way, as Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 24 "when YOU see and hear", over nine times and "he that shall endure to the END, the same shall be saved"; your faith will not be overtaken with shock and horror by God's breathtaking plagues, thus retaining your faith to the end.

Speaking of babies, these end time children and infants prove we are still here during the tribulation.  Jesus said, (unlike the liars on TV) that sorrow will be on those with children and to those that give suck to babes in those days.  Since these children and infants, have not reached the age of accountability and are sinless; they certainly would have been 'zapped away' in the so called pre-trib rapture lie from their parents, if it had occurred.   No, it has not happened yet.   That is why our most perfect Jesus mentioned this subtle yet monumental clue.  Thus the words of Jesus yet again, make an open show of these fearful, faithless, false prophets.


 O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?


Question: Which is the safer story to cling to? 

1. The one without a single direct quote in scripture that says "We are outta here at the beginning" despite the overwhelming volumes of evidence in scripture against it.   Which also mandates calling Jesus a liar thrice in one night.

2. Or the one that says 17 times; "He that overcomes to the end, shall be saved" and start preparing your mind, body and lamp oil supplies now.

Answer:  It is far more responsible for the so-called 'man of God' to teach the later and be wrong, than the former and be wrong.  Anything less is morally repugnant.



The Lord God warns the five fold, that in those days; elect large men will lift you off the ground by your collar and violently shake you.  They will stare into your pupils, screaming at the top of their lungs.  Why is this happening and why did you lie?  Now you have become the foolish five!   O 'man of God', verseless, you will loose your bowels and cry with heavy bitterness !  Many of you shall be murdered by the fearful flock in those days, says the Lord of Hosts.




MUST HAPPEN: (not arranged in any specific sequence)

1.  Falling away must happen before Jesus returns.

2.  Man of sin revealed must happen before Jesus returns.

3.  Many (men of God) will come saying, "Yes, Jesus was/is the Messiah", yet they SHALL deceive many.  Jesus is not talking about 'False Christs' here, he does later in this same discourse.    He is warning us it will be Christian leaders, admitting Jesus was who he said he was.  However, their doctrine will be laced with poison regarding end time happenings.

4.  Earthquakes, famine, pestilence, in diverse locations.

5.  Fearful sights, Great signs from heaven.

6.  Before All This, they will lay hold of you and deliver you up to synagogues, rulers and councils for my name sake and they will kill you.

7.  Betrayed by family members to the point of death.

8.  Be patient and keep your minds.

9.  When you see Jerusalem compassed about with armies.

10.  A mass exodus of Judea.

11.  They shall be captured.

12.  Jerusalem shall be trodden under foot by the Gentiles.

13.  Signs in the Sun, Moon, Stars and the Sea, waves roaring.

14.  Men's hearts failing them for fear of what is coming on the Earth.

15.  Gospel must be preached & posted to all nations; of which have not even been born yet.

16.  You will be hated of all men for my name sake.  He that endures to the END shall be saved.  See Rev. for an exhaustive abundance of echoed statements "He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved".

17.  When you see the abomination of destruction standing where it should not, run to the mountains.

Whilst this may make for a splendid altar call and larger shallow rooted numbers, this teaching is based on fear and the spirit of antichrist.  We also hear profanities spew forth like: "Every prophecy that must happen, has been fulfilled; the only one left, is His return!!!"   Child of God, who is lying here; the Bible or the 'man of God'?   Do repent and be born again this day, yet let no preacher deceive you.

18.  In 70 AD the Jewish temple was partially destroyed by the Romans.  To this day, thousands of stones are still standing.  According to Jesus' prophecy, no stone would be left upon another.  This remaining wall in Jerusalem must fully fall.  Sorry, I believe Jesus was perfect and a man of His word.  This place is the indisputable holy place for practicing Jews around the world.  In fact, globally Jews build their synagogues facing it.   Either by earthquake or missile this wall will fall.  This will spark an international incident and loose forth the largest battle this planet has ever seen to date.19.  False Christ's and Prophets will show wonders to the elect.  If we were supposedly 'gone', it would not be possible for the Elect to be deceived.

20.  Many shall be offended and betray one another via the Falling Away, thanks to cunning fables of the Pre-Tribulation lie.

21.  Scoffers shall be in the majority about His coming.

22.  When they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction.

23.  Signs and wonders are performed so that they will believe a lie.

24.  The gospel must be preached in all the world, before the END comes.   Estimates hover around 50% of the living have not heard so far.  After 2000 years of working on the project, that is pathetic on our part.  Notwithstanding, all nations have heard the word 'Coca Cola' in only 100 years.   Many nations are unfortunately locked out to evangelism.   One scholar estimates 66,000 unreachable die per day.   Even for those nations we already reached, 368,000 come to the age of accountability each day (14,708,hr, 245/min or 4/sec).  This happens immediately after we pack up our evangelist suitcases and go home.   It is like unto attempting to empty the ocean with a bucket.   Thus It will never be possible for humans to fully accomplish the job.  That is why it must finally be done supernaturally, by the flying angel during the tribulation.    If it were 100% up to us to reach the last human, then the 'Gospel Angel' would not have to preach to the earth.   By the very presence of this 'Gospel Angel', proclaims humans failed the impossible task.   Our job is to take the gospel around the earth to save those who die 'before' His return.  To further add to the growing impossible task; not all humans have even been born yet.  However for that 'last' generation, until that angel starts preaching in the air, no return of Jesus can happen.

25.  In the last days, they will seek out many teachers with doctrine that is pleasing to their ears, teaching fables that satisfy.

26.  AFTER the tribulation and BEFORE His return, the sun is darkened and the moon turns to blood.

27.  Blood, fire & pillars of smoke BEFORE the great and terrible day of the lord comes.    Great for the saved and terrible for the lost tares, that mourn.  Unlike what the lie weavers say, this is not man's plagues of war on man, but God's plagues on man.  See the flood, plagues of Egypt, Sodom, Sinai, etc.

28.  Sinners are gathered and plucked out first, saints last.

29.  Elijah the Prophet must arrive BEFORE Jesus arrives, he is one of the two witnesses in Revelation.  I believe the other to be the disciple John.

30.  The righteous wheat, must walk on the ashes of the sinners tares.

31.  The righteous Dead are not raised 'raptured', till the sinners are killed.  This demands that the rapture happens after the sinners are severed from the just.

32.  The sinners skin, tongues and eyes must melt in their sockets while they are yet standing.  For "Everyone that is left", (the saints) shall behold it with our eyes, 1000 on our side and 10,000 on thy right fall.

33.  Tares must be taken out BEFORE the Wheat.

34.  Since infants that suck mother's breasts can ride out the tribulation; should not you be able to do so as well, ye of little faith and great fear?


All these items and many more, such as the unknown Seven Thunders plagues.  The countless two witnesses plagues, which include 3.5 years without rain.  All this must happen prior to Jesus returning and remodeling the earth back to its pre-fall glory which will take it 1000 years to cool down.  Then he will give it to His bride, as a gift.   He will do this with the brightness of His coming.  Keep in mind when Moses went up to the mountain.  He gave very specific instructions that no man or animal touch the mountain or they would die instantly from the presence of God thereon.  The same phenomenon will be in action when Jesus returns with His Father's Glory.  Nothing corruptible (fleshly or elemental) can stand in the presence of God.  Even Revelation speaks of the earth fleeing from God's face.


Karl Marx was absolutely correct in saying "Religion is the opiate of the masses."   The enemy knows this to be true.  Thus he capitalizes on the tradition of men, vanity of denominations and the clergy's foreskin covered cochleae; of which have sedated this generation into a herd of tranquilized head bobbing sheep.


 Let My People Go !