Footnotes - Must Happen

Footnotes - Must Happen


All scriptures are underlined.

All scriptures are KJV unless noted otherwise.

shallow - Isaiah 40:24, Matthew 13:19-23

antichrist -

born again -

1. falling away - 2 thes 2:3

buy - Matthew 10:7-8, 2 cor 2:17, 1 Corinthians 10:33, 1 Timothy 6:5, 1 Peter 5:2

24 - Matthew 24

2. man of sin - 2 thes 2:3

miracle working power - 2 Thessalonians 2:9

killed - Revelation 13:7

3. before - Joel 2:30-31, Joel 2:1-2, Joel 3:15-16, Zephaniah 1:14-16, Isaiah 13:9-12, matt 24:29-31, mark 13:24-27

sign - Matthew 24:25-31

both - Matthew 25:1-13

4. before - Luke 21:10-16

death - Matthew 24:7-9

5. and - 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4;

6. before - Joel 1:14-16, 2:11-13, Matt 13:49,   Luke 17:36-37, Psalm 91:7-8

7. and - Matt 10:22, Matt 24:13, Mark 4:17, Mark 13:13, 2 thes 1:4-5, 2 Tim 2:3, 2 Tim 4:3-5, Rev 2:7, Rev 2:11, Rev 2:17, Rev 2:26, Rev 3:5, Rev 3:12, Rev 3:21, Rev 11:7, Rev 13:7, Rev 21:7

8. before - Joel 2:30-31

9. Luke 21 - Luke 21:7-28

10. before - 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5

not - 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4

11. slain - Jeremiah 25:33-35

12. every eye -  Psalm 97:5-6, Psalm 91:5-8, Psalm 92:11, Isaiah 40:4-5, Luke 3:5-7, Revelation 1:7

13. must - Matthew 24:14

some -

estimates -

14. before - Joel 2:1-2

15. before - Malachi 4:5-6;

16. same day - Matthew 13:25-30, Matthew 13:36-43, Matthew 13:49, 2 peter 3:10-12, Luke 17:29-30, Psalm 37:9, Psalm 37:34, Psalm 97:5-6, Psalm 144:5-7, Psalm 97:3-6,  Isaiah 40:3-4, Isaiah 42:13-14, Isaiah 64:1-3, Zephaniah 1:9-18

17. before - Joel 2:16, Isaiah 26:20, Matthew 25:5-7

normal - Luke 17:26-31

purchased - Matthew 25:7-9

prepared -

18. none - Matthew 24:24, mark 13:22

19. you - Matthew 24:15-20, mark 13:14-18

20. see - Matthew 24:13-16 

21. hiding - Psalm 27:5-7, Song of Solomon 2:10-14, Isaiah 2:19-22, Isaiah 26:20-21, Jeremiah 49:14-19, matt 24:26, mark 13:21, Revelation 6:12-17

hide - Isaiah 26:19-21

hid - Zephaniah 2:1-3

22. after - rev 16:12-17

28 - Revelation 5:5, 8:2, 10:3-4, 15:7

23. must - malachi 4:3, Psalm 58:10, 68:20-24

last - Revelation 18:4

and - Revelation 18:24

blood lake -

feast - Revelation 19:12-18

24. saints - Dan 7:21, 25;

overcome - Revelation 13:5-7

and - Zephaniah 3:8-12

25. every - Revelation 1:6-8

before - Revelation 9:19-21

26. before -

cannot - 1 Corinthians 15:50, Luke 20:35-36, Matthew 13:43

27. last - 1 cor 15:50-52

1 Thes 4 - 1 thes 4:14-18

1 Cor 15 - 1 cor 15:50-52

28. from - Matthew 13:49-51; ps 37

path - Matthew 7:13-14

Isaiah - Isaiah 24:5-6

lava - 2 Peter 3:10-12

29. return - 2 Thessalonians 2:7-10

30.  after -  matt 24:29-31, mark 13:24-27, 2 Thessalonians 2:8, Joel 2:30-31, Isaiah 13:9-12, Isaiah 40:5


after - matt 24:29-31, mark 13:24-27, Joel 2:30-31, Isaiah 40:5

tares -

after - matt 24:29-31, mark 13:24-27, Joel 2:30-31, Isaiah 40:5

personally interpreted - 2 pet 1:20

what about -

book peddlers - 2 cor 2:17 (NIV)

alter Christ's end time teachings - Rev 22:18-19, Matthew 7:22-23

takes the mark - Revelation 14:9-10

return - Luke 18:7-9

falling - 2 Thessalonians 2:3

fable - 2 tim 4:2-4

prepare -

24 - Matthew 24

and - Matthew 24:19, Mark 13:17, Luke 21:23

? - Luke 3:7

thrice - Matthew 24:29-31, 13:30-43, 13:49-50

overcomes - Matt 10:22, Matt 24:13, Mark 4:17, Mark 13:13, 2 thes 1:4-5, 2 Tim 2:3, 2 Tim 4:3-5, Rev 2:7, Rev 2:11, Rev 2:17, Rev 2:26, Rev 3:5, Rev 3:12, Rev 3:21, Rev 11:7, Rev 13:7, Rev 21:7

supplies -


falling away - 2 thes 2:3

revealed - 2 thes 2:3

Messiah - Matthew 24:5

diverse - Matthew 24:7

fearful sights - Luke 21:11

kill you - Matthew 24:9

death - Luke 21:16

minds - Luke 21:19

compassed - Luke 21:20

exodus - Luke 21:21

captured - Luke 21:24

under foot - Luke 21:24

waves - Luke 21:25

hearts - Luke 21:26

preached - Rev 14:6-7,matt 24:14, mark 13:10

all men - Matt 10:22, Mark 13:13, matt 24:9

endures to the end - Matt 10:22, Matt 24:13, Mark 4:17, Mark 13:13, 2 thes 1:4-5, 2 Tim 2:3, 2 Tim 4:3-5, Rev 2:7, Rev 2:11, Rev 2:17, Rev 2:26, Rev 3:5, Rev 3:12, Rev 3:21, Rev 11:7, Rev 13:7, Rev 21:7

where it - matt 24:15-16

prophecy - luke 21:5-6

and - Matthew 24:24

betray - Matthew 24:10

scoffers - 2 Peter 3:3-4

peace and safety - 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4, Isaiah 42:14-15

believe a lie - 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

must - Matthew 24:14

66,000 -

368,000 -

angel - Revelation 14:6-7

fables -  2 Timothy 4:3-4

and the - Matt 24:29-31, Joel 2:31, Isaiah 13:9-11

before - Matt 24:29-31, Joel 2:30-31

plucked - Matt 13:28-30, matt 13:40-43, Malachi 4:1-3, Luke 17:36-37, job 20:5-9, matt 13:49, 2 Thessalonians 2:8, isaiah 41:11-12, Isaiah 13:9, Jer 12:1-3, jer 24, Jer 12:14-15, Deuteronomy 33:27, Zephaniah 3:11-15

before - Malachi 4:5-6

John - Matthew 16:28, john 21:20-23

dead - Psalm 68:22-23

severed - Matthew 13:49

melt - Zechariah 14:12-16, Psalm 58:7-11, Psalm 68:1-4, Psalm 97:2-6, Psalm 112:7-10,   jer 9:6-7, ezk 22:19-22, amos 9:5, Nahum 1:3-6, 2 Peter 3:10-12

left - Zechariah 14:12-16, Zechariah 14:16

and - ps 91:4-8


ride - Matthew 24:19, Luke 21:23, 23:29

seven thunders - Revelation 10:1-4

two witnesses - Revelation 11:3-6

brightness of His coming - 2 Thessalonians 2:8

or - Exodus 19:11-13

Father's Glory - Mark 8:38

or - 1 cor 15:35-36, 1 cor 15:50, 2 peter 3:10

earth fleeing - Revelation 20:11