Student Technicians


We are a team of students who run assemblies and events inside and outside of The Weald School, Billingshurst. From running projections for the weekly whole school assembly, to programming lights and running sound desks for concerts and productions, Student Technicians are a vital part of some of The Weald School's biggest events and of the School! 

For assembly enquiries, please email

How to Join

Interested in joining? Email our Head of Student Tech, Matt Collins; Or come to one of our sessions on Thursdays after school that are held in the School Hall! Feel free to speak to one of our friendly team leaders, we will most likely be at Events or Assemblies if you have any questions!

Job Roles

Sound Operator

As a sound operator, you will be responsible for controlling what audio is being sent to your sound technician. You will be the one in control of the music and sound effects. You will need to have a strong coordination with the Sound Technician to make sure the Show/Event runs smoothly!


As a Sound Operator, you will have responsibilities. Once we train you, you'll need to:

Sound Technician

As a Sound Technician, you will be responsible for what is sent out to the audience. You will be controlling and mixing the sound desk, you will learn to EQ vocals and properly mix a band. You will be in control of 4+ speakers and 2 bass bins. You will be in control of how loud the music is. You will need to have a strong coordination with the Sound Operator to make sure the Show/Event runs smoothly!


As a Sound Technician, you will have responsibilities. Once we train you, you'll need to:

Lighting Technician

As a Lighting Technician, you will be in control of the lighting at shows and performances. You will be in control of the movement, colour and changes in the lights. You will be in control 25+ lights and 8 moving lights. You will need to have good coordination with the sound operator and sound technician so the lighting works well with the sound and suits the beat.


As a Lighting Technician, you will have responsibilities. Once we train you, you'll need to:

Visuals Coordinator and Manager

As a Visuals Coordinator and Manager, you will be in control of what the audience sees on the screen, you will be in control of the assemblies and you will need to coordinate with teachers to have a good assembly. You will be a vital asset towards assemblies and open evenings. You will need to coordinate well with the sound technician for a perfect assembly!


As a Visuals Coordinator and Manager, you will have responsibilities. Once we train you, you'll need to:

Leadership Award Scheme

Students involved in the programme work towards nationally recognised skill-based leadership awards from Bronze to Platinum and this can help you in future options such as applying for a career or when writing your personal statement to get into university. Past Technicians have moved on to go to successful top of the line Universities and Careers (Ben Collins now works for Creative Technology).
