Love and Consumption

Harrison McClure

A Classic American Sport

Medium(s); Clay

The full construction of this peice was inspiried by the sport football. I choose to do things that represent football such as a football, clkeat, mouthguard, and tackling dummy. I choose to use a football in my creation because as a quarterback I use them a lot. I choose to do a cleat for my creation because it is the primary foot covering used in football. The inspiration used for the creation was one of my pairs of nike cleates. The cleat was a good way to challenge myself on this project because it was actually very difficult to construct.I choose to do a mouthguard for my creation because even though it is small, it is a very important peice of protective gear in football. The inspiration for this mouthguard was mine that I use on my helmet. I choose to make a tackeling dummy for my creation because it is something we use in football a lot. It helps us get our form tackeling down, and is essential for drills we must do to get better at football. The main struggle for me during this project was the forming of the cleat for me because the cleat was very hard to form into the shape