
Advanced Skin Fitness Medical Spa & CoolSculpting Center

Coolsculpting is a non-invasive, non surgical procedure that eliminates fat by freezing it, which will subsequently be destroyed in targeted areas. The process involves choosing the proper applicator for a selected area of stubborn fat. The area is mildly pinched between the applicator, so the area can be cooled. The area drops to a temperature that is cold enough to crystallize the fat cells, so they die. The body’s natural metabolic reaction will ultimately dispose of the fat without affecting the tissue outside of the area. The reduction will become noticeable within a few weeks of the procedure.

Advanced Skin Fitness Medical Spa & CoolSculpting Center

2928 Oak Lawn Ave,

Dallas, TX 75219

(214) 521-5277

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CoolScultping at Advanced Skin Fitness


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