This revolutionary procedure uses low temperatures to target and kill fat cells without harming other tissues or cells. This technique is similar to liposuction, chemical, and heat-wave-fat reduction procedures. Dead fat cells don't disappear overnight. It may take your body up to six months to eliminate them. The safest and most effective method to reduce fat and enhance your appearance is CoolSculpting.

Most patients feel extreme cold within five to ten minutes. They may also feel some tugging or mild pinching. CoolSculpting doesn't require any surgery or need to be invasive. Patients donโ€™t have to go through downtime. Although the procedure may feel intense, it doesn't involve surgery, needles, or any kind of anesthesia. You can expect results within two to four weeks. Although it can be performed on the abdomen, flanks, and thighs of patients, this procedure is not appropriate for everyone.

The procedure is effective in targeting bulges across many body areas. The procedure is effective on a variety of areas, including the abdominal region, thigh, hips, arms, back, thighs, and under the chin. People with a healthy lifestyle are the best candidates for CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting can reduce fat on the neck, chest, and face. However, you should be mindful of possible side effects.

This treatment is non-surgical and can be done at home. Most patients can resume normal activities immediately after their treatment. The procedure does not require supplements, exercise, or a special diet. The best candidates for CoolSculpting are those who are within 20-30 pounds of their ideal weight and have bulges or lines they would like to reduce. Patients will experience pressure, numbness, and coldness during the CoolSculpting procedure. Patients may prefer to read, use a computer, or take a nap.

A single CoolSculpting treatment can cost $1600, although multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Before undergoing the CoolSculpting treatment, patients should carefully consider its cost. While a single treatment can cost less than $2,310 per person, additional treatments may be up to $4,000.

A CoolSculpting session takes approximately an hour for each body part. The procedure can be viewed on television or read a book. Patients can return to their normal lives once they have left the clinic. Some patients may experience slight side effects such as numbness or swelling. While these side effects may last a couple of days, most people can resume normal activities. Before you undergo the treatment, consult your physician if there are any concerns.

While CoolSculpting is available in nonclinical settings, it is best to go to a licensed professional for the procedure. This procedure is best performed by board-certified dermatologists and plastic surgeons. You can search for qualified practitioners by visiting the American Academy of Dermatology or the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Avoid medical spas that offer CoolSculpting services. A licensed physician can provide the necessary care and experience for you to see results.

CoolSculpting Dallas
CoolSculpting Dallas TX
CoolSculpting Dallas TX
CoolSculpting in Dallas
CoolSculpting Dallas