A computer
for every student

TA is committed to every student having a laptop computer as an important resource for their academic engagement and success. Each student is required to have a charged laptop with them daily to use in classes, as needed. 

Students in grade 7-9 are required to use their TA issued Chromebook. Students in grades 10-11 are also issued a TA Chromebook for daily use. Students in those grades (10-12) have the option, with parent permission, to bring a personal device from home instead.  

Should you choose this option, please fill out the borrowing agreement found on this page.

Students in grades 10-12 may bring their own device.  Student devices used on campus are subject to the school's filtering policy and parent's and students must opt-in to access the school's network. Find more information and the agreement, here.

All students and caregivers must complete Thetford Academy's Digital Learning Agreement.