We are connected by common interests, mutual respect, and compassion for one another.

The Therapy Collective

A unique integrative therapeutic community

We believe a good collective is a breathing organism that creates space for any member, despite their time as part of the group. Our clients are well-served by a collaborative community of practitioners invested in their care and empowerment. 

The Therapy Collective is committed to diversity and strives for inclusivity, equality, equity, and alignment with our integrative relational vision and model. Toward this end, we understand that a diverse team includes representing and celebrating differences across race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, national origin, class, religion, and political orientation. 

With healing at the core of our work, we understand that we must create a safe and brave space for practitioners to cultivate therapeutic integrity and deepen connection.

We are all works in process. 

This page is an offering. It names both who we are and who we aspire to be. We act as a collective toward a unified goal of a healing community, we use these principles to guide us in this enterprise. We seek to align our daily practices with these aspirations and ways of being.