The Peaceful Presence Project

A map of end-of-life care resources in rural Oregon counties



The Peaceful Presence Project reimagines and transforms the way communities talk about, plan for and experience serious illness and the end of life. 

We envision a culture in which every community member receives compassionate, equitable support through the end of life. 


A Compassionate Community recognizes that caring for one another during times of crisis and loss is not simply a task for health and social services but is everyone’s responsibility.

This model of care is focused on transforming practices and conversations around death, dying, and end of life care. It acknowledges that holistic and collaborative action between systems is required to ensure that communities are able to provide practical and emotional support for its members in a skilled and informed way. The ability to identify and develop cohesive networks of care will increase community resilience, as well as encourage higher quality and more equitable end-of-life care experiences. 

The Peaceful Presence Project is developing an Oregon Network for Community-Based Serious Illness Support. It will help to ensure that more compassionate care is accessible to individuals across the state, and that this support is cohesive and person-centered. Families and caregivers will be better supported and communities will be aware of critical resources.

Using the below ‘End-of-Life (EOL) Friendly Criteria for Communities,’ this site seeks to map existing end-of-life care resources in rural Oregon counties. Click on the below maps to access a review of resources by county. 

End-of-Life (EOL) Friendly Criteria for Communities: 

 Rural Oregon EOL Mapping






Information for resources collected from multiple sites. Oregon county maps and data collected from Wikipedia.

Contact Us

This site is updated quarterly. To submit information about your county, please use this form.

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