Science at WHA

At Western House Academy, the National Curriculum is the starting point to all lessons. We use GrammarSaurus as a planning tool to plan Science across the school.

Values - Values are at the core of everything that we do. The Science curriculum promotes many of the values in order for the children to learn and progress. 'Teamwork' is needed during investigations so that different scenarios can be explored and discussed. Where would we be without 'curiosity' in science lessons to ignite the excitment of learning something new? When something is not going the way that we planned, 'resilience' is needed to carry on and not give up - there is a lot to be learned from the investigations that go wrong. 

Knowledge - Every unit of Science is carefully created so that the children have every opportunity to learn more and remember more. Exciting lessons are planned so that every learning style is addressed. Children are encouraged to work together so that quality conversations can be had along with the correct vocabulary being used. This is modelled by the teachers and high expectations are set within all lessons. 

Equality - For all children to achieve, work is adapted to ensure that all needs are catered for. Scaffolds are provided to assist with possible language barriers and learning needs, and expectations are high in every lesson to ensure that all children are stretching their abilities. Writing opportunities are laid out so that the children have the chance to apply their writing skills into other areas of the curriculum and work is adapted in order to allow children to record independently. 

Experience - No two Science lessons will look the same. Activities include: predictions, investigations, sorting, recording, which all allow for the children to learn in a variety of different ways. Investigations are weaved into the Science curriculum to allow children to explore for themselves.