Love Burn Operations SOPP (updated 12/31)

THE LOVE BURN 2024  -  Site Operations Program Protocols (SOPP)

- How is my material / container / art piece / supplies getting unload from a flatbed truck/trailer, or from within a container?

- Will I need to lift anything high in the air, even just temporarily?

- Will YOU need to be high in the air to assemble/connect something?

- Will something heavy need to be moved once assembled?

The FUEL team is here to keep your burn, burning! In order to do this in a safe manner, please adhere to the following.

For any theme camps, art project, or other attendees utilizing fuel during the event, please follow these standards for proper fuel storage.

To ensure the successful and safe operations of the Love Burn, some teams will have access to low-speed vehicles ("Carts") for transportation and material movement. Use of a vehicle is a privilege, not a right, and nothing is guaranteed. We do our best to ensure everyone gets the appropriate vehicles to service their needs during the event; however, these vehicles are expensive to rent and in VERY LIMITED supply. Please be respectful and treat vehicles with care at all times. Failure to follow any of these procedures may result in loss of vehicle privileges this burn, and behavior will be considered during future vehicle allocations.

Be radically self-reliant and try to solve some common problems on your own. Typical issues with a“broken” cart can be remedied as follows:

Antenna $20   Earbud $50   Speaker Mic $100   Battery $80   Radio $450