Our Learning In Action

Welcome to 'Our Learning in Action!'

Week beginning 12th July 2021

Even though we weren't at school we still managed to have an end of term party!

We played lots of silly party games

How many Skittles can you transfer from one bowl to another using a straw...and with a broken arm?

How many balls can you carry between your knees from one end of a room to the other in one minute?

Week beginning 5th July 2021

We all enjoyed Sports Day despite the rain!

Who could bounce a tennis ball on a racquet the most?

Despite a gloomy start to the day we had our Sports Day...what a lot of fun that was! How fast cold you walk or run whist balancing a bean bag>

It was great to have our parents at Sports Day. How far could we throw the nerf?

Week beginning 28th June 2021

Round 2 of the recorder concert. This week Year 3 Power had an opportunity to perform in front of their parents. The parents were very impressed!

Donkey Day at The Hyde!

We all got a turn to ride on a donkey.

After becoming friction experts we were set a challenge to create a surface with lots of friction that slowed a coke can rolling down it as much as possible.

Week beginning 21st June 2021

We carried out an experiment to see which surface had the most friction by testing how far cars went on a variety of different surfaces.

Bas joined in with the experiment too..

We investigated magnetic force and found out which materials are magnetic. We even learnt a song about it.

After a term of recorder lessons we performed to our parents. We were brilliant!

Week beginning 14th June 2021

It was Roman Day at The Hyde...

...we all dressed up in our finest Roman costumes.

We had a Roman soldier visiting us who told us lots of interesting facts about Romans. Here is Queen Boudica's army marching towards the Romans.

We played a Roman board game called Delta. We had to know our Roman numerals to work out our scores. It was so much fun we could not stop playing!

Week beginning 7th June 2021

We looked like brave Roman soldiers with our brightly coloured shields...ready for battle.

We acted out the battle formations we had learnt about in class. Our favourite was the Tortoise.

We are so ready to battle! can you hear us?

Our battle in action!

Week beginning 24th May 2021

In maths we used fractions to design a pizza and then we got to make it, following our fraction recipe. They were delicious!

To connect our art and history, we made mosaic Roman shields.

Here we are, transferring our designed mosaics on to cardboard to create our shields.

Our designs reflected us.

Week beginning 17th May 2021

We started our topic on Romans and learnt where some important events fell on a timeline.

We continued learning about fractions and creating our own fraction problems.

We learnt where to place BC and AD on our timeline.

Ten Reads Reward... Hot chocolate and biscuit! Yes! I will make surre I complete my ten reads.

Week beginning 10th May 2021

In PE we are learning how to play tennis.

We used the chromebooks to log on to Literacy Planet and do some reading comprehension.

Pizza fractions! We have designed our pizzas (we will make then later) using fractions.

Creating our fossils...

Week beginning 3rd May 2021

We have been learning about grid references in geography. Here wea re trying to decode a message using grid references.

How do I find fractions of numbers?

We had a go at making our own fossils replicating the actual process (But this did not take millions of years!)

We are all very pleased with our dinoasaur fossils!

Week beginning 26th April 2021

Hermelin the Detective Mouse has asked us to make a torch for him. Before we did that, we had to practise creating a circuit with a switch.

And we did it! Here is a push switch in action.

Our eye catching torches matched the brief that Hermelin had given us.

We ad our first recorder lesson since we have bveen back in school.

Week beginning 19th April 2021

And there was light! We worked together to create a circuit.

What's inside a torch?

We put together the electrical components to make the bulb light up.

We had to persevere and trouble shoot until the bulb lit up!

Week beginning 29th March 2021

We have sewn some fantastic, eye-catching patches for Traction Man's party outfit.

It was Mr Kirby's last week at The Hyde this week. We had a big party to celebrate.

we have been designing a party outfit for Traction Man. But first...practise some stitches!

And more stitches!

Week beginning 22nd March 2021

Traction Man has gone on a new adventure...can you tell what it is?

How will Traction Man save Scrubbing Brush from the Evil Bowl? We have been acting out our new adventures with our superhero!

We are becoming rock experts in Science, looking at different types of rocks and how they are formed.

How long is that pen in centimetres? How many millimetres is that?

Week beginning 15th March 2021

In PE this week we tried lots of different athletic activities. We worked on improving our personal best especially when it came to how far we could jump.

In Literacy we have been reading the story Traction Man and doing lots of writing of our Traction Man adventures

We are becoming rock experts in Science, looking at different types of rocks and how they are formed.

How long is that pen in centimetres? How many millimetres is that?

Week beginning 8th March 2021

During Science Week we were set the challenge to build a bridge out of spaghetti . We had to come up with an innovative design.

We all had different designs and we tested them all to see which could take the most weight before it snapped!

As part of Science Week we also saw what happened when you mixed an acid with an alkaline. We used the reaction to make raisins dance!

We watched closely as the raisins danced to try and work out what was happening

What happens when you add vinegar to a jar of warm water, bicarbonate of soda and raisins?

The acid in the vinegar reacts with the alakline in the bicarbonate of soda, to create air bubbles which make the raisins dance!

How can we make a bridge using brittle spagetti? This was the cahllenge we were given for British Science Week.

The fun part was testing to see which bridge could stay up and hold the most weight!

Week beginning 14th December 2020

We continued making our tents, carefully measuring how long the bamboo canes needed to be.

We then cut the correct length of bamboo canes...

This was the tricky part...joining the canes to make a strong tent frame!

Once the frame was ready. we used glue guns to attach the waterproof tarpaulin cover.

Our finished tent! Now the wolf and the pigs can go camping!

Very focussed as we make 3D Christmas cards.

The party was lots of fun as we played musical chairs...

...and had a disco!

Week beginning 7th December 2020

In DT, we are making a tent for the wolf and the 3 pigs (who are now friends, by the way). Before we make the tent, we needed to look at existing tents...

The tent had a door and a window!

We will be using bamboo canes to make our tents but first we need to practice how to measure the correct length of wood...

...and also practise using the hacksaw! We were very careful at being safe!

Would an elastic band or pipe cleaner be good for joining 2 pieces of wood?

...or would wool be better?

Christmas dinner!

We enjoyed it! Yummy!

Week beginning 30th November 2020

We were so lucky this week as Christmas came early for children at the Hyde!

We had so much fun learning to skate.

The snow machine made it feel magical

We could use the penguins to help us stand up!

How lucky were we this week, to have an ice rink at Th Hyde!

For a lot of us, this was our first experience at ice skaiting!

We have an advent calendar in school and every day, we get a new exciting activity. On the 3rd of December, we had to leave positive messages for our friends!

4th December: The elf is stuck in a tree and needs a parachute. Well, 3 Power had it covered and tested materials to see which one would be the best for making it.

Week beginning 23rd November 2020

We have moved on in hockey...from dribbling to passing...

Anti Bullying Week... Odd Socks Day...

...How would you be "United Against Bullying"? The anti-bullying theme this year

Man-made vs natural materials...

Week beginning 16th November 2020

We have loved having BAS in class this week!

He practised some star jumps with us...practising for the After School PE club. He needs to do keep practising!

He helped us design a banner to stop people parking on our zigzag lines in school.

He also enjoyed having lunch with us!

We became Road Safety superheroes this week!

Be Bright Be Seen!

We had so much fun dressing up in bright colours.

How can you blow up a balloon without using your breathe?

Well...ask anyone in 3R and they'll be able to tell you.

Studying the different regions in the U.K!

Week beginning 9th November 2020

Practising our hockey skills of dribbling!

Children in Need Day. Spotty...

...or sporty!

How can we blow a balloon without using our breath? Vinegar and baking soda does the trick! Does not smell very nice though!

Did you know the recorder was made up of three parts? We looked carefully at it to draw it.

We made poppies for Remembrance Day as we thought about all the soldiers who had worked so hard to keep us safe.

Locating countries outside the UK using a globe...

...and an atlas!

We loved celebrating Spotty and Sporty Day today for Children in need!

Kung-Foo Victor was ready incase the Big Bad Wolf was to return.

Hassan and Ky-Mani were busy making some spots for Mr Kirby's jumper.

Pugsly the Bear came for a visit too! :)

We remembered those who lost their lives for us.

Creating some Remembrance day poppy art.

We were identifying features of a diary entry.

Some customers took some money to be cashed with a banker. We were adding 3-digit to 1-digit numbers using an exchange.

Week beginning 2nd November 2020

Who had made this mess in our classroom?

We found a red cape, a basket, toffee and a book thrown near our reading corner! What a mystery!

We think it was either Little Red Riding Hood or the Big Bad Wolf who had sneaked into our classroom! We needed to make a WANTED poster to warn everyone so we created 3D wolves to help us describe it!

We made some pretty good wolves! It was great to see the final products, especially as we worked so well in our groups!

Our assembly challenge: To create the tallest and most stable tower. This is our vision for this term: To aim high and work together,

We used practical resources to add and subtract 3 digit and 1 digit numbers.

Some of the questions required us to exchnage tens and ones!

One of us was the banker and the other was the customer and we exchanged 10 ones for a ten and vice versa.

We have loved having BAS work with us this week! Due to our wonderful attendance the week before, BAS spent time learning and having fun with us :)

BAS even helped us create some scary wolf models for Literacy this week.

In preparation for the Harvest Festival BAS helped us create some art work!

BAS helped us sing our Harvest song for the Harvest Festival

On Monday we came into school to something strange. We found a trail of leaves and toffees which lead to a basket. It had 'The Wolf's Story' resting inside.

We set to task to create a wolf using different resources and materials.

We were very lucky that Ms.Djora taught us how to play the recorder!

We had lots of fun learning the recorder and taking it home to practice for our parents pleasure :)

Week beginning 12th October 2020

How are shadows formed? What affects the length of the shadows? Year 3 had a lot of fun finding out...

Finding out how shadows are formed and how they can change.

Perfecting my swing ahead of the competition!

Getting ready for next weeks golf tournament!

Investigating shadow length!

Week beginning 5th October2020

RE: We learnt about how Jesus cured a blind begger and then created freeze frames!

Plotting number lines to 1000!

#Helloyellow Mental Health Awareness Day...

Creating our own Mental Health Awareness board game!

#Helloyellow Mental Health Awareness Day...

We made our mental health head bands that were personal to us.

RE: We learnt about how Jesus and freeze framed some of his stories.

Jesus calms a storm was performed fantastically by a group.

Week beginning 28th September 2020

We have now moved on to chipping in golf., where we chip the ball and it bounces up!

We played Finders Keepers with the putter as well!

Literacy is much more fun when stories are acted out!

Feelings are also acted out!

Friday 25th September 2020

We used diennes to partition 3 digit numbers...

...We also used place value counters to partition 3 digit numbers.

Thursday 24th September 2020

The children have found creative ways of reading...

...Can you think of any other ways?

Adding some finishing touches to our self portraits.

Learning the skill of shading

Wednesday 23rd September 2020

The children have worked really hard at drawing their self portraits...

...They have blown us away by their creativity!

Creating something fantastic for our classroom.

We aim to be the fittest in the school with our daily exercises.

Tuesday 22nd September 2020

Today we logged into our Google classroom, completed a task AND handed the assignment in! That was exciting!

As part of our identity topic, we are drawing self portraits using a photograph as half of our faces. Step one today...drawing the outline!

Evaluating our self portraits helps us to know how we can improve next time.

We enjoyed answering 'Are these the same or different' questions.

Monday 21st September 2020

We looked at how many tens made 100....

...and then moved on to find out how many tens were needed for numbers above 100!

Perfecting our putting skills!

Describing a main character from our class book.

Friday 18th September 2020

Jeans for Genes day.

We used diennes to measure a variety of objects.

We created sentences that matched diennes.

Can you answer this and explain how you know?

Tursday 17th September 2020

Otis was shown how to understand place value using tens and ones,

Our golf skills are getting netter!

We made our class name using our bodies.

Using a line on the floor for exercise.

Wednesday 16th September 2020

Using diennes and our knowledge of tens and ones, we worked out the length of different boats.

During RE, we had a very interesting discussion about who inspires us.

We used diennes to measure different lengths of boats.

We needed to use our place value knowledge to work out the length in cm.

Tuesday 15th September 2020

Our jumping is getting better and better!

The plank! We were so good! We could hold it for at least 15 seconds!

The children were given some true or false statements in Maths

The children were set a challenge to plank whilst touching 3 different targets

Monday 14th September 2020

Matching numerals to quantity.

Our first day, writing in our maths books and what amazing results! So neat!

Using resources to help us find missing numbers in number sentences.

Using resources to help us find missing numbers in number sentences.

Friday 11th September 2020

Stretching before our daily PE session

Our Daily PE session includes short high intensity exercises with intervals of rest.

We took some photos for our time capsule that we will open at the end of year.

Alongside our cheesy grins, we've written letters to our future selves too.

Thursday 10th September 2020


Golf...we practised holding the putter correctly.

We've been writing about our character from the book, 'What Makes Me a ME'

We've been writing sentences about the main characters appearance.

Wednesday 9th September 2020

Creating Pop art for our classroom door...What POWERS do we have?

Bubble writing is not as easy as it looks!

Exercising outside can be fun but challenge. Here is the squat

Trying our best planks.

Tuesday 8th September 2020

Continuing with the self portraits...We practised drawing our eyes...so much detail!

Writing acrostic poems about autumn.

Continuing with partition 2-digit numbers using resources.

Writing number sentences with our diennes to help

Monday 7th September 2020: Settling into Year 3

We used practical resources to make 2 digit numbers!

Our topic this term is identity, so we decided to draw self portrait...but first, we need to practise how to draw the shape of our faces!

We used practical resources to partition 2-digit numbers

We showed each other the different ways we can partition the same number

Week beginning 16th November 2020

Man-made vs natural materials...

Week beginning 10th May 2021