"Study is a Work of Prayer,
Prayer is a Labor of Love,
Love is the Life
We are Called to."
--Thomas Michael Hubbard © 2001
The "one to whom little is forgiven, loves little" (Luke 7:47)
Therefore, let us forgive much that love may grow, spreading the "knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins" (Luke 1:77).
We often fear & falter from lavishing those we love with the tears of our sorrow and repentance; we must come to understand that we withhold our love from those we refuse to seek forgiveness from. We are called to show "great love" just as the penitent woman and seek forgiveness (Luke 7:47). Sorrow is a great expression of love, those that do not grieve can not die to their own life that they may live freely, and love deeply.
Let us Live by example and call to our neighbor by demonstrating the strength of Humility, just as He Who made us calls to us, "Come Follow me.""Come to me."(Matt 4:19 & 11:28-30)
Grant us the Courage to seek forgiveness ourselves; and, grant us the Justice, Obedience, & Charity to Forgive those who seek our forgiveness.
Accept our lives as a living sacrifice on their behalf, in imitation of You Who Are, our Living Sacrifice, The Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ, our Lord, our Love, and our Life, for You are the Source and Summit of our lives, and in You we have our being.