
As an individual I have always seen the need of my life being organized and well managed, of be being able to bring a balance in all facets of my life and perhaps leave a legacy too. Little did I know that I could do this all by myself by just taking charge of my life. I came across the 7 habits a few years ago and I saw how it changed people for good. I wanted to be there, where they were, successful happy and prosperous. I was fortunate to hone the 7 habits at my work place and I saw how it made me an altogether different person. This is the same feeling I want my students to experience. To let them know that they can be the change they want to see.

The world is full of opportunities for those who are creative, independent, emotionally stable and tolerant and these are the kind of people who achieve the best of most. I have always believed that independent learning is a skill every individual must develop to reach the higher path. Have you ever wondered what would be possible if our world was filled with people who were responsible, who showed initiative, who were creative, who knew how to set goals and meet them, who got along with people of various backgrounds and cultures and who could identify conflicts and solve them? That is exactly what we’re going to achieve using The Leader in ME program at GGIS.

The Leader in Me program ensures that as a school we provide opportunities to students to know and realize that each of us has a dynamic leader within, that they can take charge of their lives, reactions and decisions and that it is possible to achieve anything if we set out to do so.

The 7 habits or The Leader in me program are not things that happen overnight. They are habits which take time to develop but with constant reinforcement and personal commitment these can become who we are. We put in our hearts, minds and souls into creating a nurturing environment for each child to ensure integrity and conviction in what we believe. This is not merely an idea or a book it is a whole new way of living. Experience it to know what it is and once you do you will never want to go back to your old self.

They understand the need of helping others and see it as a class accomplishment. They are always ready to offer a hand.

My class, grade 3 worked in groups to identify classroom goals and jotted out a plan to achieve it. Here are a few glimpses.

My class, grade 3 worked in groups to identify classroom goals and jotted out a plan to achieve it.

They are working hard to maintain classroom cleanliness and behavior while moving out of the class.