Navigating CIRTL GRF Community Google Chatroom

This section intends to provide basic instructions for navigating select features of the CIRTL GRF Community Chatroom. It includes annotated screenshots of highlighted chatroom features, for example, the notifications menu, posting replies, and creating new threads. Additional details for navigating the platform are included in the Google Chat Help Center.

Notification Preferences

1. When you join the CIRTL GRF Community Chatroom: The menu illustrated below will appear for new community members to select their notification preferences.

2. Below is another option for selecting your notification settings:

Your First Post!

Introduce yourself in a reply to the first thread. All members of the community will be able to view your replies to this and other posts.

Creating a New Thread

Threads are used in this space to start conversations around specific topics. The option to create a new thread is located towards the bottom of the screen.

To Start a New Thread:

1. Select the "New thread" option

2. Title a short question or topic using all caps as shown below, then press enter/return.

3. To elaborate on your question/topic, simply reply to the previous post in regular font, as shown below.

Chatroom Posting Features

All members of the chatroom will be able to view and respond to your thread posts. Whether you are creating a new post or replying to someone's post, several chatroom options are available for you to incorporate into your posts. These are highlighted in the image below. You may also want to draw your post to specific members' attention. You may do so by activating the "at mention" feature. Simply type the "@" sign and select from the options presented.

Direct Messaging Individual & Group Members

Google Chat facilitates directly reaching out to one or a group of community members at a time! One way to connect with a community member is by hovering over their contact icon until a menu pop-up similar to the image above appears. Options presented are:

  1. sending an email

  2. sending a direct message invitation

  3. sending a google meet video invitation

  4. sending an invitation to connect at a scheduled time. Members would be sent a message and given the opportunity to either accept or ignore your message request.

Click here for information on how to start group messages in Google Chat.