Welcome Prospective Family!

 The Family Liaison team has created this page to help navigate you on your potential homeschooling journey at Blue Ridge Academy. We are happy to have you here. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us our contact information is below.

Upcoming Events

New Family Information Sessions

New family info Sessions

June 5th @ 3 pm https://zoom.us/j/94218801776

June 18th @ 10 am https://zoom.us/j/97941044668

July 11th @ 3 pm https://zoom.us/j/91827766740

Blue Ridge Academy Info Session

Blue Ridge Academy Info Session

If you are a parent inquiring about Blue Ridge Academy, we would like to extend an invitation for you to attend an upcoming virtual information session. This session will provide valuable insights into the school's program and departments. Kindly mark your calendar and plan to join us for this enlightening event. We look forward to your participation!

April 11 @ 3 pm - https://zoom.us/j/94062435169 

If you were unable to attend our sessions in March, you can watch the recording by clicking on the link provided here. Recording Link 

see what our families say about us.

"Over the years, I have been impressed with the unique blend of high-caliber curriculum options that Blue Ridge provides to its family, coupled with options for individual personalization."

-Melissa W.

"The support of the charter system that is in place for us at Blue Ridge, and our teacher, and the tools and opportunities for my son to be a life learner have been so profoundly wonderful, and we were able to do this by being enrolled in Blue Ridge. I’m thrilled when I see that he passionately loves learning, inquiry, research, sharing what he’s learned, and will do so on his own at all hours of the day, morning, daytime, nighttime. Our not having a specific schedule enables him to expand and amplify his desire to satiate his curiosity without limits."

-Michelle W.

"My children are able to learn at their own speed and reach levels they could not in a public school setting. The partnership of parents and vendors is a unique one and really facilitates the best learning experience."

-Leah L.

"When we found Blue Ridge, it was a huge burden off our shoulders. We are able to find programs that are challenging for our daughter. And because her schedule is more flexible, she is able to find time to learn a 2nd language, and participate in other activities, which makes her a more well-rounded individual. We are grateful that we have very caring and knowledgeable credential teachers at Blue Ridge who have been assisting us along the way."


Anna Aguilar

Carie Sipka

Shannon Eaves

Contact Information

Email | familyliaisons@theblueridgeacademy.com

Anna Aguilar | Anna.Aguilar@theblueridgeacademy.com | (661) 493-2648

Carie Sipka | Caren.Sipka@theblueridgeacademy.com | (661) 493-2659

Shannon Eaves | Shannon.Eaves@theblueridgeacademy.com | (661) 493-2710 

The Family Liaison Team is dedicated to building a strong homeschool community and helping families find the path that best fits each unique homeschool journey.  Our liaison team is tasked with the vital role of fostering regional support and community through the planning of events and field trips, individualized parental support, and cultivating local vendor relationships.