DLT Presentation

We hope you will find all of the information you’re looking for to help prepare you to start your journey with us at Chantry Middle School. It is our greatest wish that it won’t be long before we can meet you in person and show you your new school and classroom. Just remember, there are at least 127 other pupils, due to start their middle school journey too, who will all be feeling the same as you. We will all be together soon and it will be our job to make sure you feel safe, settled and happy on that first day we meet. We have been in regular communication with your first school teachers, who know you best, to ensure all your needs are met. Please find an initial transition letter, sent out in May, here. Normally, we would have been able to visit you by now in your Year 4 class; sadly, as this has not been possible, please watch the presentation by Mrs Brett (Director of Year 5 Teaching and Learning) where she will answer your frequently asked questions.

Welcome to Chantry!Year 5 September 2020 Intake

Mitford Road
NE61 1RQ
01670 512874
