Spic-Macay Society

SPICMACAY’s intention is to enrich the quality of formal education by increasing awareness about different aspects of Indian heritage and inspiring the young mind to imbibe the values embedded in it. It seeks to inspire youth through experiencing the mysticism embodied in the rich and heterogeneous cultural tapestry of Indian and World Heritage, with a hope that the beauty, grace, values and wisdom embodied in these arts will influence their way of life and thinking and inspire one to become a better human being. For this, the most accomplished artistes of the country render programmes of Indian classical music and dance, folk, poetry, theatre, traditional paintings, crafts & yog primarily in schools and colleges. In 2011, SPIC MACAY was awarded the Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana award in recognition of its contribution to youth development. In 2011-12, 4600+ programmes were organised in more than 1500 institutions in 300 towns in India and 50 towns abroad impacting more than 2 million students. All these programmes were organised by thousands of volunteers – largely students, teachers, housewives, retired people, professionals, young and old. SPIC MACAY celebrates Nishkaam Seva - the spirit of volunteerism – of giving selflessly without expectation, a value that is intrinsic to our culture and important to nurture in today's world.

There is a Spic-Macay society in the institute. Every year, we arrange 2 to 3 programs in our institution touching over seven thousands students. All these programs are organized by volunteers (society members)– largely students.

"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team."

We at SPICMACAY are proud to present our team for the year 2019-2020.

Huge congratulations to the ones selected and if you aren't a part of the team now, don't loose hope cause this is not the end and you are going to get many more chances in the future to work with us. The selected students would be added to the main group soon.

Once again Congratulations, we hope you all will make us feel proud and take the society to even greater heights.