Bank Account Details

Bank Name:                                                        AXIS BANK,  BHADSON,  ROAD PATIALA,147001

Name of Account Holder:                                 THAPAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 

Bank Account Number:                                   922010019396417

IFSC Code:                                                        UTIB0003529

SWIFT Code:                                                     AXISINBB

How to Register:

Registration Fee

Category                                            Early registration by                             Late or onsite 

                                                            August 31, 2023 

Indian Faculty/                                    INR  4720 INR 5900

Post Doctoral Fellow   


Indian student                                      INR  3540                                                INR 4720

Industrial Participants                        INR 5900                                                 INR 7080



Foreign Participants                           USD 150+ 18%GST                               USD 200+ 18%GST

*Registration fee includes registration kit, lunch, and tea breaks from 28-30, September 2023. Limited hostel accommodation is available (which includes breakfast and dinner in the hostel mess) in the campus and will be provided on the first come, first serve basis.