Backslash Computing Society


Backslash has been started to benefit students of Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Derabassi Campus, to inculcate interest in computer science. Backslash will provide a medium for technical enthusiasts to interact with each other. It will also give them a platform to display their skills through various events and give them an opportunity to explore the world of computers.

We at Backslash have one common belief, to take Backslash forward not just as a society, but as a community.



To organize technically oriented workshops to inform students about the different avenues of computing and keep them updated regarding the latest developments in the tech world. These will also include guest lectures by professionals on areas ranging from recent topics such as Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence to generic topics like Data Structures and Algorithms.

Tech - based Competitions

To generate a competitive spirit amongst the students by conducting various contests and quizzing events. We at Backslash also take the responsibility of helping students to participate in similar events organized by other colleges.

Group projects

To help students build something collectively and generate team spirit among them.