Canyon Ridge High School School bulletin

Endeavors of Excellence: Our Values and Goals

Culture: Become the most positive high school on the planet. 

Value 1: Positivity in our words to build relationships. 

Value 2: Productivity in our efforts to get results. 

Value 3: Professionalism in our behavior to maintain boundaries. 

Academics: Increase our graduation rate to an excellent standard (95%) with a Go On Plan (enrollment, enlistment or employment).

Goal 1: High Attendance Rate (95%)

Goal 2: High Engagement/Effort Rate (95%)

Goal 3. High Passing Rate (95%)

Goal 4. High On-Track Credit Rate (95%)

Activities: Increase our IHSAA School of Excellence level to the top 3. 

Goal 1: All athletic and activity programs maintain an average 3.50 GPA.

Goal 2: All teachers update grades weekly for accurate grade reports.

Goal 3: All teams make it to the state tournament. 

Goal 4. All students get involved in at least one school-related activity. 

Weekly Announcements 5/20 - 5/25

General Announcements:


Monday 05/20


Tuesday 05/21


Wednesday 05/22


Thursday 05/23


Friday 05/24


Saturday 05/25

 Teacher Resources

WEekly Reminders

Monday 4/22:

Tuesday 4/23:

Wednesday 4/24:

Thursday 4/25:

Friday 4/26:


Monday 4/29:

Tuesday 4/30:

Wednesday 5/1:

Thursday 5/2:

Friday 5/3:

Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change.  Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding. -William Arthur Ward

Advisory Period


Grade Check: The Excellence Tracker must be done every week for the rest of the semester. Enter as a grade.


Finish Grade Checks


Boot Check: Remind students to check on those around them and to be bold enough to have  conversations about mental health.


Fun Day: Do an activity to build positive relationships during advisory period. 

Teacher TRainings

Twin Fall School District Trainings

The training for What Every Employee Should Know 2023-2024 needs to be completed no later than September 30th, 2023.

ALICE Training:

Regular Calendar Events

Monday Collaboration Schedules: 

1st Monday - Faculty Training Meeting (30 Minutes)

2nd Monday - Department Meetings (30 Minutes)

3rd Monday - Faculty Training Meeting (30 Minutes)

4th Monday - Common Course Meetings (30 Minutes)

5th Monday - Common Course/Classified Staff 

Calendar Events

Lunch MenU