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top christmas movies for kids


The best Christmas movies for kids

Have you seen the best Christmas movies for kids? Curl up with a warm blanket and enjoy a festive marathon with the fam!

A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)

Even if Charlie Brown's Christmas tree is a little..uh...bleak, we can't help but spend our holidays with the Peanuts gang—it's tradition! In this 60's classic, we find our favorite character, Charlie Brown, feeling a bit blue around Dec 25, and his efforts to conduct a festive play didn't exactly go as planned. It's up to Linus to show him what this time of year is truly all about! Snag the coziest spot on the couch and relive the fun from Charles Schulz's beloved cartoon. If you miss it, you'll certainly say, "Good grief!" Rated G.

Home Alone (1990)

Get ready for one of our absolute favorite family Christmas movies of all time! When the McCallister clan ventures on a holiday trip to Paris, it's smooth sailing...until everyone discovers that 8-year-old Kevin has been left home alone! The youngster gets comfy and adjusts very well to the empty house. Unfortunately, two buglars have their eyes on the family property. Will Kevin's wacky pranks keep the bad guys out? As the famous saying goes, "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal." Rated PG.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (1964)

Poor Rudolph is given the cold shoulder for his appearance—a shiny, red nose. All the other reindeers laughed and called him names (sound familiar?), ultimately making him a North Pole outcast. However, when Rudolph stumbles upon the Island of Misfit Toys—and when Santa needs a little help on one foggy Christmas Eve—suddenly, that glowing nose isn't so bad after all. The rest is history! Thank goodness for you, Rudolph— Christmas Eve is a success because of you! Rated TV-G.

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

The great debate continues: Is The Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween or Christmas movie? Since we'll never settle on an answer, it's best to watch this creepy Tim Burton classic several times between October and December...just to be safe. Journey alongside the Pumpkin King Jack Skellington as he grows tired of creepy festivities and soon discovers another holiday: Christmas. His new Yuletide appreciation causes a bit of a stir for the man in the red suit, so prepare for a bit of holiday chaos, plenty of tunes and Burton's signature

Arthur Christmas (2011)

This smart and very British 3D animation from the Aardman stable opens with one of life’s great questions: how does Santa visit so many homes so quickly? The answer, it seems, is a high-tech army of elves dispatched, SAS-style, from a silent spaceship disguised as a cluster of stars. But it never used to be like this, not before Santa’s eldest son, Steve (Hugh Laurie), modernized the operation. Nevertheless, one parcel slips through the net, so it’s left to Santa’s sensitive younger son, Arthur (James McAvoy), and the retired, grumpy Grandsanta



1.Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States.


2.The Plymouth Pilgrims were the first to celebrate the Thanksgiving.


3.The pilgrims sailed on the ship, which was known by the name of 'Mayflower'.


4.They celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621.


5.The pilgrims did not serve pumpkin pie, Rather, they made stewed pumpkin at the first Thanksgiving feast.


6.The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days.


7.The state of New York officially made Thanksgiving Day an annual custom in 1817.


8.It has been estimated that 88% of Americans eat turkey at Thanksgiving.


9.No turkey or spoons were there in the first thanksgiving.


10.About 46 million turkeys are eaten in America for Thanksgiving dinner.


Read more at https://www.theholidayspot.com/thanksgiving/trivia.htm#QSUcDW84bG12lFqG.99

Word Forum


pilgrims vs. Pilgrims

'p' 要不要大寫?傻傻分不清

感恩節 (Thanksgiving) 起源的主角之一是1620年移民北美洲大陸的英國清教徒。在Thanksgiving教學中,我們學到了 'Pilgrims'這個字,即指當時這批清教徒。但有眼尖的同學發現,這個字在別的地方看過,但並沒有大寫。(嗯,觀察很敏銳)

Teacher Jasmin 在這裡說明一下這個些微差異。的確,當 'pilgrim' 作「朝聖者」或「香客」解釋時,這個字不須大寫。所以,若你參加每年農曆三月的媽祖繞境時,你就是個 'pilgrim'.

然而,當我們提到1620年的那一批前進北美洲開闢新天地的英國清教徒時,就必須大寫 -- 'Pilgrim', 作專有名詞用,以示其獨特性。

History of Easter Traditions 復活節傳統的歷史

Did you know…

Easter originated as a Pagan tradition, celebrated by the Anglo-Saxons in honor of their goddess of birth and springtime—Eastre (also known as Oestre or Ostara).

「復活節」乃源自異教徒(即非基督徒)傳統,是盎格魯撒克遜人(就是講英語的人)藉以紀念他們的新生與春天女神-- 依絲翠(Eastre),也叫做伊斯特拉(Oestre)或奧斯塔拉(Ostara)。

During the second century, when Christian missionaries were attempting to convert the population to Christianity, many Pagans who converted to Chris­tianity still refused to give up their traditional religious celebrations. “Easter” began to be celebrated as a Christian holiday, in order to allow former Pagans to celebrate Eastre without being blasphemous. It became a hybrid celebration of both the Pagan Eastre and the Christian observance of the Resurrection of Christ.


Modern Easter traditions…

Most Easter traditions originated from the Pagan festival of Eastre. For exam­ple the fertility goddess Eastre was associated with a sacred earth animal—the rabbit. The tradition of the Easter Bunny may have started in Germany where the goddess Eastre was known as Ostara. As one story goes, Ostara arrived late one Spring, and many animals had been frozen by the snow. She saved a small bird whose wings had been frozen, and she transformed him into a white snow-hare so he could run fast and survive the winters. However, she allowed the bird the ability to lay eggs one day a year. And every year during the Eastre or Ostara Festival the snow hare would lay colorful eggs and give them out to the children.

大部分的復活節傳統源自異教依絲翠女神節慶,例如兔子,即是與富有生產力的依絲翠女神有關的神聖動物。復活節兔子(Easter Bunny)的傳統很可能是始於德國,在當地依絲翠女神叫做奧斯塔拉(Ostara)。其中一個故事提到:某個春天,奧斯塔拉來得較晚,很多動物因此已被雪凍僵,她搶救了一隻翅膀已被冰凍的小鳥,並且將他變成一隻白色雪兔,這樣他就可以跑很快,即使冬天也能生存下去。但是,奧斯塔拉曾經賦予那隻鳥每一年有一天可以下蛋的能力,因此,每年的依絲翠女神節或奧斯塔拉節,那隻雪兔也會下彩色蛋,然後發給小孩子。

Eggs have been longtime symbols of rebirth and fertility, even as far back as ancient Greece and Rome. During the Festival of Eastre it was customary to exchange colored eggs with one’s neighbors. Colored and decorated eggs were given as a token of good fortune and wishes for a prosperous year. According to some, the tradition of Easter egg hunts began during the rise of Christianity in Europe. Since egg-giving was a Pagan tradition, some people were persecuted because of it. So people began hiding eggs instead of giving them as gifts, and soon it became a game for children to hunt for the hidden eggs.



Blasphemous 亵謾神的 – A violation against God or other sacred things

Hybrid 混合物 – A mix of two different things

Fertility 生產(殖)力 – Ability to produce young

Persecuted 被迫害的 – Harassed or harmed, especially due to one’s race or beliefs

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