Local Coordinator - Company

T.U.X International Company Limited

Srichan Prakaingamsuk

0852244465 / 0944626159 

Jothai2664@Gmail.com / Aemmoo3@gmail.com 

soi 45, Nakniwas 37 yak 4  ,Nakniwas Road, lat Phrao, Bangkok 10230




About us

Thailand Film Office is an office under the Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Sports. 

Connect with us

Address : The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty the King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary 5th December , B.E. 2550(2007) Chaengwattana Road, Lak Si, Bangkok, Thailand 10210

E-mail : film@tfo.dot.go.th

Tel : +66 2141 3122