Third Trimester

April 2024

As a team, specialist teachers have introduced the idea of making smart choices.  We teach students to use if-then statements when thinking about their choices.  The if-then sentence gives students a choice about how they want to behave.  It’s phrased in a way that promotes a positive student mindset aimed at achieving a positive result. An if-then sentence is one example of a positive behavior strategyThis can help direct students toward making positive behavior choices, whether they are on the bus, in the classroom, during play with friends, or even at home.  We hope that you can find success with your children by also encouraging them to make smart choices.  


Hello Center School Families,

Below you will see what each grade level is doing...

GRADE 2 - 

Students have been doing great with their email and password! Many students have logged in with out their card, and have their name on our wall! Please continue to practice with your student. They have been learning how to type with the homerow on! 

We have also been discussing coding! Students are loving If your student would like to play at home please email me and I will share your students class link.

For read across america week, Students took a picture using the green screen! Oh the places you'll go with Technology! (These pictures will be sent home before april vacation so look out for them!)

During the last months of the year students will be working on completing the ultimate challenge on typetastic, and reviewing text formatting tools in google docs!

GRADE 3 - 

Students had a blast during our typing olympics! I was able to award many third grade students with medals! We will continue to track our typing progress in class and do our best!

Grade 3 had a special guest, Mr.MacCleod our Technology coach, come in and discuss Students are able to continue their progress at home, they should log in with google. If there are any issues please let me know, and I will try my best to help!

After coding, students will work on a mini research project in google docs!

GRADE 4 - 

The best voted agreement is down below! There were a few top picks, and it was a close competition!

Students are now exploring block coding on robots! We have a collection of dash robots and the students are having so much fun watching their code come to life!

View some pictures below.

If you have any concerns or questions, please send me an email at


Digital Literacy - CES

Download and print! You can keep track of you and your students screen time!


Greetings from the Art Room! 

As we begin the last trimester of the school year, I want to thank everyone for their continued support and appreciation of our schools' arts programs. 

Students work on their artistic skills and dispositions in each grade to foster artistic literacy. Each lesson includes opportunities for student choice and voice while incorporating the development of skills and the use and exploration of different media. 

Even though it is an incredibly busy time of year, I hope that all families will take some time to stop by the TMHS and enjoy our annual district-wide art show on Friday, May 3rd, 7-9 pm, and Saturday, May 4th, 10 am-2 pm. The art exhibit is always outstanding and open to all, with lots to see and marvel at from students in all grades. I hope to see you there!

As always, I am delighted to see the beautiful art created every day and the enthusiasm your students bring to class. I look forward to witnessing the creation of more art.

Second Grade has recently finished a cubist guitar painting inspired by Picasso.

Third Grade is working on their Llama Weaving and will sculpt Clay Cupcakes.

Fourth Grade has finished a bas-relief cardboard sculpture inspired by famous artists Picasso and Cantrell.

Please never hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns.

Lastly, I want to mention that students will bring their artwork portfolios home at the end of the year. It is always fun to look at their work and see their artistic growth. I hope your student shares many stories about their creative journey with you and you enjoy their wonderful creations.


Mrs. Barbati

Visual Art Teacher, CES

physical education

Dear CES Families,

Happy Spring!  Here are a few pictures from some games and activities we've done recentlyWe've played a lot of team games and learned a lot about offense and defense in those games.  During this third trimester, we will continue to focus on some cooperative team games and then move into some overhand throwing, passing, and catching skills.     

Spring allergies have arrived and kids are going through a lot of tissues.  It is hard to keep the gym supplied for almost 800   students!  A donation of a box of tissues would be greatly appreciated!  If anyone would be able to donate some disinfecting wipes as well, that would be awesome too!  The whole school shares the equipment so I try to keep it as clean and germ free as possible.  Thank you so much for your generosity!  

Just a reminder to bring regular water only to the gym.  No juices, gatorade, prime drinks, or flavored or colored water is allowed in the gym.  There is also no food or gum allowed as well.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we try to keep our new space clean.  

Thank you also for your diligence in remembering sneakers as we are all continuing to adjust to this new 6 day rotation.  Sneakers are part of your child’s effort grade in PE and are required for full participation.  If any other footwear is worn, an alternate activity will be given.  

If you have any questions or concerns about anything, feel free to email me at .  Looking forward to warmer weather and finishing out our year strong


Ms. Higgins

PE Teacher, CES


Hello Center School Familes!

Happy Spring! I am so happy to report on students' progress this trimester! As a school, we have been focusing on a composer of the month and we just finished learning about the amazing Jazz performer from New Orleans, Trombone Shorty!

Grade 2: Students in grade 2 have been continuing their music skills in rhythm, melody, and composition. We've learned many fun rhythmic poems and added our own instruments and rhythms to them. We're learning new rhythms and songs that we can bring to third grade and beyond. Students are loving learning the "Do Re Mi" song from The Sound of Music.

Grade 3: Just a friendly reminder that all students need to bring their recorder to music class and they should live in the backpacks. I've been loving watching students progress this term! I can tell many of them are practicing at home and really enjoying learning an instrument. Check my slideshow frequently for new play along tracks and songs. Students have learned to play low "E" with two hands and have been practicing The Egg Song. (I attached a copy below)

Grade 4: Grade 4 has been absolutely rocking ukuleles! They have learned at least 4 chords and have been able to play many songs. I have included my ukulele slideshow in case anyone has an instrument to practice at home.

Click Here to Sing "Count on Me"

Click Here to sing "I Got Rhythm"

It's been a pleasure to watch all students musically progress and I look forward to the rest of the year!

Ms. Poggio

Recorder Fundamentals 2022
Beginner Ukulele Tips
The Egg Song Recorder


Third Trimester Already? WOW!

At a Glance:

Grade 2 classes have been learning about solar and lunar eclipses, space, and the International Space Station.  Soon they will be learning about landscape architecture, civil engineering and the formation of NYC's Central Park.

Grade 3 classes are getting a preview of the geometry vocabulary that will soon be part of their math lessons. They are making booklets, learning hand signs for things such as types of angles and lines, building the angles/lines, etc. with K'NEX, and more.  Soon a housing project will take us through lessons in area and perimeter. 

Grade 4 classes are learning about 3-D printing in a unit that I'm co-teaching with Mr. MacLeod, one of the district's tech coaches. After looking at a variety of doorstops and making observations, students will learn to design a doorstop. Several of these designs will be chosen for 3-D printing and testing.

Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024!  See  for more information.

Grade 2, Grade 3, and Grade 4 STEAM Nights were a HUGE success thanks to the many staff, community, and corporate volunteers that came out to make this event possible!  

If you have any questions or concerns about anything, feel free to email me at   

I'm looking forward to warmer weather and a variety of fun activities to finish out the school year! 


Mrs. Legvold

STEAM Teacher

Social Emotional Learning - SEL

Happy Spring Center School Families

Mornings with Mrs. Chambers has begun for extra SEL time.  This is weekly extra SEL help with any Center School student and takes place every Tuesday from 8:00 - 8:30.  This is a less structured time to talk, share ideas, work on school problem-solving, and have some fun.  Please use this signup link to let me know your student will be attending and if there is something specific you think your student would benefit from working on.  

Extra help for other specialist teachers will continue to be available by appointment.  

2nd Grade

  Students have been working hard at learning our school Problem Solving Steps.  We have worked together to talk about problems like being excluded, playing fair, and how to take responsibility.  We are going to continue this important work and talk about persevering, being flexible, and the power of Yet.  

3rd Grade

  Students have used what they have learned about the importance of recognizing their feelings and calming down to identify and solve problems.  They have done an excellent job at learning to say the problem without saying blame.  We have talked about peer problems such as exclusion and negative pressure.  We will take what we have learned about problem-solving and apply it to executive functioning, prioritizing, and planning.   

4th Grade

  4th-grade students have worked very hard on their problem-solving skills.  They teamed up to create Problem Solving posters to be used throughout the school.  This has been an excellent segway to our next focus on teamwork and being flexible.   We spend the next quarter working on building positive peer relationships and social conflict resolution.  

As always, please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, comments, or concerns! 


Mrs. Chambers


2nd Grade

January - Mock Caldecott Contest

February and March - Fairy Tales/Tall Tales/Folk Tales

April - Earth Day and Poetry

3rd grade

January - Mock Caldecott/Newbery Contest

February - Dewey Decimal System and Spine Labels

March - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

April - Earth Day and Poetry

4th grade

January - Mock Caldecott/Newbery Contest

February - Copyright and Fair Use

March - Inventor Biographies

April - Earth Day and Poetry

LIBRARY NEWS - The MSLA Bookmark contest theme was recently announced! "Every Story Matters" will be a creative and fun theme! Entries are due in the library by the end of the school day on February 2. School winners will be announced February 5, and state wide winners will be announced March 17. (Reminder to families, this is not mandatory). Feel free to email me for details -