Place Network 

The Place Network is a collaborative network of K-12 schools that connect learning and communities to increase student engagement, academic outcomes and community impact.  

We believe that a network of schools learning from one another can accelerate student impact.

These portfolios provide a place to collectively display data (both quantitative and qualitative) in order to share stories of place-based education, celebrate accomplishments, track growth, and inform implementation. 

We encourage you to explore the different portfolios, observe place-based education in action, and connect with other schools across the Network.

Place Network Implementation Model

Teton Science Schools regularly collects survey data from all schools within the Place Network. The table to the right displays average responses from teacher participants collected during the Fall of 2023. 

At this stage, PN teahcers are reporting mid-levels of model implementation across our Network school's. Additionally, teachers report mid to high levels of favorability for expected PBE outcomes.

 Diving further into this data, teacher responses indicate that there is a moderate positive correlation between their levels of PBE implementation and levels of subjective well-being.  Our team looks forward to continuned monitoring and sharing of these results. 

Annual Report 2022-23

PL_Portfolio_2023_NEW_FINAL (1).pdf