
Ruto V6

  1. Record sequence of test script
  2. Download all your xpath in txt file
  3. Downloaded files contains simple driver syntax and @FindBy syntax

Ruto V5.2.0

  1. Table
    1. Get table locator &
    2. Selected element locator
  2. CSS locator
  3. Minified the UI
  4. Minor changes in the XPath patterns and lot more under the hood

Version 5.1.1

  1. Provided an alternative solution to handle Shadow-DOM
  2. Option to get all the attribute values available in the element from the snippet drop-down
  3. Variables name has been modified to fit the best as user's read

Version 5.0

  1. Added Anchor(Parent to child) XPath
  2. Enhanced following-sibling XPath
  3. Option to get the attribute value in snippet
  4. improvements in snippets

Version 4

  1. Introduced to FireFox
  2. Option to get XPath in a single click (Mostly used when right click in not available)
  3. Optimized XPath algorithm
  4. Enhanced code snippets based on an element
  5. ClassName and TagName direct support for locators
  6. User Interface redesigned

Version 3

  1. If the element is in frame or Iframe, It will be displayed in the pop up page
  2. Added shortcut keys to open Ruto page ( Alt+R )
  3. Added POM Snippets
  4. label displayed for every element
  5. Time taken to find the element displays in pop up page

Version 2

  1. Major changes in UI
  2. Generate code snippets for basic actions like Click, Type and Get text 👍
  3. XPath index can be configure in Options page for Collections based XPath
  4. The numbers in a ID attribute value can be restricted by user
  5. Code snippets for Drop Down with Visible Text, Value and Index 👍

Version 1

  1. Initial release
  2. Added normalize space XPath