national tesd reseach agenda


With the completion of the term of the first cycle National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan (NTESDP), an assessment of the Plan implementation was undertaken early part of 2005. The assessment aimed to achieve a two-pronged objective: 1) to review TVET sector performance based on the indicators of the Plan and; 2) to serve as a bridge to the NTESDP 2005-2009. It included a review of the researches undertaken in TVET vis-à-vis  the National TESD Research Agenda 2000-2004 which served as a support document to the 1st cycle NTESDP. In particular, the assessment identified the priority research areas conducted and the research area gaps.

The formulation of the NTESDP 2005-2009 was completed in May 2005. It was presented to and approved by the TESDA Board and the Social Development Committee (SDC) Cabinet Level on May 19, 2005 and June 02, 2005, respectively. Consistent with the 1st cycle Plan, the NTRA 2005-2009 is formulated to define the research priorities to support the achievement of the Plan goals and objectives.


In general, the NTRA 2005-2009 shall provide the overall direction in the pursuit of research activities  in aid of planning and policy and decision making for the TVET sector. Specifically, it aims to achieve the following:

1. To support policy and program initiatives to ensure accessible and quality TVET in the country;

2. To strengthen the role of TESDA as authority in TVET through relevant and research-based policies



The NTRA 2005-2009 is anchored on the NTESDP 2005-2009. It shall, therefore, be undertaken to respond to the following requirements of the Plan:

A. Development Goals/Objectives

1. Decent and Productive Employment - this means that adequate income is generated and sufficient employment is available, where all workers have full access to income earning opportunities. Decent employment entails the continuous improvement of workers’ capabilities through build-up in competitive  skills and positive work ethics to make them more productive.

2. Quality TVET Provision - ensure quality in all aspects of TVET, standards will apply not only to graduates but also to the TVET institutions’ processes and systems.

3. Supply Matches Demand - all training programs will be guided by the job-skill matching paradigm, both in terms of quantity and quality set by industries, especially in critical occupations and areas where there are high demand.

B. Key Result Areas

1.  Improved Access and Equity in TVET – this describes the state where opportunities are available and affordable for all clients to include but not limited to special clientele groups like women, differently-abled persons, and indigenous people, among others. Relevant, timely information on training opportunities will be made available for prospective beneficiaries.

2.  Improved Assessment and Certification – there is increased number of TVET graduates with verified/validated competence to perform a particular skill according to quality standards defined by industry. Also, the registry of certified TVET graduates is readily available to prospective employers, both for local and overseas employment.

3.  Enhanced Employability of TVET Graduates- this is the environment where TVET graduates have improved access to employment opportunities both here and abroad. Graduates will also have improved prospects for entrepreneurial and self-employment endeavors.

C. Strategic Directions

1. Private Sector-Led and market-Driven TVET  -  Strengthened linkages between TVET providers and industry shall be promoted. This is to ensure the active participation of private enterprises in the development and provision of quality technical education and skills development opportunities.

2. Pro-Active Job-Skills Matching (SEEK-FIND-TRAIN)  -  enhancement of matching TVET outputs with available jobs will be addressed through this strategy. It shall implement the three components:

         i.)   SEEK local  business  opportunities,   and jobs through domestic and international labor market intelligence to pinpoint the exact requirements of the job market;

         ii.)   FIND the right people fir for the jobs; and

         iii.) TRAIN the right people for the available jobs using quality standards developed in consultations with industry. Programs and support services shall be provided such that the education and training sector effectively contributes to putting   people  to  work  and keeping   them employed, either wage employed or self-employed.

3. Life Long Learning Mechanism/Ladderization and Articulation  -  this mechanism call for the implementation of EO 358 as this will promote TVET as a pathway to a lot of opportunities. This will facilitate transition and progression between TVET and higher education and vice versa. This will also afford upward career  mobility

4. Expanding Scholarships and other Incentive Support Services  -  various scholarships and other financial assistance programs, such as the tendering scheme, will be implemented to broaden access to education and training opportunities. These shall be provided not only to deserving students, faculty, trainers, but also to our partners in the TVET sector including the LGUs.

5. Competency-based TVET  -  This will entail an entirely new learning environment where the trainers will become facilitators of learning. This strategy shall adhere to the following principles: multiple entry/exit; modular and self-paced; learning and assessment of learners according to actual work to be performed based on industry standards; recognition of prior learning; on and off job experience; and provides national recognition/accreditation for acquired competencies.

6. Enhancing Quality Assurance Mechanisms  -  This would entail the utilization of quality systems, procedures and processes of partners towards  producing  quality products  and services.  Continuous development and review of competency standards and assessment and certification processes with the active   involvement   of the Private sector registration and certification of TVET programs shall be pursued particularly  the  industry will be done to ensure adherence to defined norms and standards.

7. Entrepreneurship in TVET  -  TVET shall develop the entrepreneurial acumen of the Filipino worker to make him more aggressive and hardworking. This likewise calls for enhancing his awareness and potentials   to tap available resources.

D. Other Requirements of the NTESDP

In addition to the above development goals and strategic directions, the NTRA shall also support the program thrusts and legislative agenda consistent with the NTESDP 2005-2009.


Building on the gains of the previous NTRA, the NTRA 2005-2009 shall cover the following major areas of research:

A. Policy Research

This will cover researches that defines a policy problem and looks at policy options and their implications or consequences (both positive and negative).  It is inspired by the existence of a problem or issues that has to be addressed by the formulation or reformulation of policy at some level of the organization. It will generate significant inputs to laws, policies and issuances on TVET that will be proposed/pursued. The priorities will include but not limited to the following:

1. Alternative system/s of education and training in the context of lifelong learning

2. Procedural integration of TVET courses of various TVET providers

3. Establishment of polytechnics and community colleges

4. Competency-based TVET System

5. Developing Agro-Industrial System in Agricultural Schools

6. Mainstreaming Gender and Development in TVET

7. Critical skills tax/ other cost recovery schemes in training and education

B. Policy Evaluation

Researches for policy evaluation will aim to generate information that will determine the relevance and responsiveness of existing laws, policies and issuances on TVET. These include but not limited to:

1. Mechanisms for industry-led TVET

2. Ladderized interface of TVET and higher education

3. Effectiveness of TESDCs as governance mechanism at the regional and provincial level

4. Investments in TVET

5. Governance in TVET

6. Devolution schemes in TVET

7. Cost-benefit analysis of TESDA Institutions

8. Networking of TESDA Institutions

9. Scholarship and Loan Assistance Programs

10.  Income Generating Projects/ Entrepreneurship in TVET institutions

C. Program Evaluation

This major category of researches will focus on the effect or impact of TVET programs or project on beneficiaries and other affected sector.  It will help policy makers determine whether the program or project has attained or is able to attain its purpose. The priority areas will include but not limited to the following:

1. Impact evaluation of TVET programs

2. Study on the per capita cost of training on various qualifications

3. Extent and effectiveness of enterprise-based training provision in the country

4. Extent and effectiveness of international  technology transfer and skills training program

5. Integrating community-based delivery system

6. Enhancing career guidance systems

7. Impact of capability building for TESDA and TVET partners

8. Impact evaluation of foreign assisted projects

D. Other Concerns

1. TVET in the context of globalization and liberalization

2. Establishing a methodology for estimating/projecting demand and supply for critical skills

3. Analyzing skills demand and supply by area and industry/sector including overseas market

4. Education and Training Market

5. Cost-benefit analysis of skills competitions


All researches and studies to be conducted by TESDA henceforth shall be within the parameters of the NTRA. To ensure that results of researches are advocated and acted upon, an annual research priorities shall be prepared and its implementation shall be monitored.

1. The Planning Office, shall serve as the oversight office or clearing house for all researches and studies in aid of policy and decision making. A review team, composed primarily of the Division Chiefs of the Planning Office as permanent members and invited members depending on the need for expertise on certain aspects of the research proposal, shall take the lead in the review of  each research proposal.

2. All offices shall submit to the Planning Office a list of researches/studies to be conducted on an annual basis for review and monitoring purposes.

3. A copy of the report of research/study completed should be provided to the Planning Office to serve as basis/inputs to policy and program recommendations to concerned Executive Office/s.

4. A summary of each report submitted shall be prepared and immediately disseminated to all offices for information and reference. At the end of each year, the Planning Office will publish a Research Digest which will contain the summary of all researches completed and submitted to the Planning Office. The Research Digest will serve as reference and information guide to internal and external researchers.


1.  Sources of Funds

All offices shall allocate from their approved budget the required amount for the conduct of researches within their respective areas of responsibility. Starting CY 2007, at least 2% of the budget of each office shall be allocated for research activities.

A research fund shall also be allocated/sourced out by the Planning Office to support researches of TESDA as well as external proponents which will be selected based on the criteria and processes to be adopted by the NTRA Review Team. The process involved in the use of the research fund is indicated in Annex A.

Other sources of funds such as foreign assisted projects and other international and local funding organizations shall be tapped to ensure that adequate funding is available.

At the end of the NTRA term, it is expected that at least P50 million for the plan period is invested in TVET researches.


The monitoring of the NTRA will be on an annual basis to determine the extent of achieving the targetted research priorities. The monitoring results will serve as inputs in the evaluation of the NTRA which will be undertaken in two phases:

1. Mid-Term Evaluation (end of 2007)

2. Final Evaluation (end of 2009)

The evaluation of the NTRA will consider the following:

1. the extent to which the priority areas of research were addressed

2. the extent to which timely and useful information was disseminated to stakeholders

3. the extent to which results of researches were utilized/adopted in the formulation and promulgation of relevant policies and issuances for the TVET sector.