About Us
Welcome to the Longbranch Dashboard!
Our Mission
This was a project created by the UMD iSchool students for the INST490 Capstone project. We were tasked to help create a dashboard for the Longbranch community that would result in visualizing and providing solutions to multiple goals. We wanted to create visualizations that would create a positive change in the Long Branch Community to help them navigate through hundreds of thousands of information regarding their area and packaging it so they would be able to understand the data and be able to help their community better.
How did we create the visualizations?
We had to get raw data provided by Montgomery County regarding to which goals that we wanted to solve, we looked through hundreds of databases and chose which one we would be able to solve within this short amount of time. We looked into Public Safety and Neighborhood Attractiveness where we delved deeper into the databases of crime, crash reports, traffic violations, illegal dumping, housing code and many more. We then created software that will filter the data only picking locations within the Longbranch area.
We were able to get the Longbranch Area by looking at the Montgomery Planning Website (Montgomery Planning Website) that shows the Long Branch sector plan boundary and created a custom Google Maps (Custom Google Maps) so we can extract the latitude and longitude of the area. With this we were able to get the general area of the Longbranch area so we can make sure that the results that we get were accurate and near the community.
With the filtered data we were able to create it within Tableau which is a software that is user friendly and provides the ability to create powerful and useful visualizations.
As of 12/4/2023 we have looked through 3,254,328* lines of data through the Montgomery County database!
Meet the Team
This picture was taken with the iSchool team and the Long Branch staff member when the team took a trip to the Long branch area to learn more about the community.
Thank You: Expressing Gratitude to the Project Contributors
Our Clients at the Longbranch Community
Thank you for entrusting us with this project and allowing us to get this opportunity to express our skills. Your feedback and collaboration every meeting helped us to improve our project and work. Meeting with everyone at the Long Branch community allowed us to get more insight and information.
UMD iSchool
Thank you for providing us with this opportunity to meet and collaborate with the Long Branch team. Thank you to Professor TJ Rainsford and our Teaching Assistants for providing us with feedback and giving advice on how to work through this project. Your guidance and wisdom have been extremely valuable that helped us create this wonderful project.
Special Thanks to
Reemberto Rodriguez
Ray Nosbaum
Bruce Baker
Laura Sweeney
Vanesa Pinto
Wondu Tiruneh
Kathy Porter
Catherine Madsen
Sheila Hosagrahara Somashekhar
Who took time out of their day to engage with us and help us learn more about them and Long Branch.
Contact Us
For more information regarding this project you can reach out to our team at