Workshop on Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GIC) 

October 21-24th 2024, College Park Maryland

Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Sharma

Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) during severe space weather events are hazardous to the technological infrastructure, such as electric power grids, oil and gas pipelines, undersea communication cables, telephone and telegraph networks, and railways. Addressing the vulnerability of these systems to geomagnetic disturbances is an important component in meeting their critical role in society. This workshop will bring together participants from research, industry and government domains to develop a supported and sustained community centered on the geomagnetically induced currents during extreme space weather. 

Workshop Themes

The main theme of the workshop is to grow partnerships to advance both research and applications. We will combine tutorials, panel discussions, and presentations to meet three key objectives:

Recognizing the critical role of a supported and sustained community in addressing GIC-related requirements across the domains, this workshop represents the first step towards nucleating an engaged community supported by government and private funding agencies. Attendees will be able to lay the foundation for this effort moving forward.

Grow community & communication within and across sectors

The applied GIC landscape is complex and often opaque to researchers. Through tutorials, panels, and discussion, we seek to illustrate industry needs clearly so that the research community can understand how to make their work most relevant to stakeholders.

Learn how to target research to meet industry needs

The applied GIC landscape is complex and often opaque to outsiders. This conference seeks to enable research to have a real impact on industries and governments by allowing for stakeholders to highlight their user needs from the science community.

Advance GMD science for future applications across sectors

Research on the nature of ground magnetic disturbances and the space & geological phenomena that create them is a multi-faceted and ongoing endeavor. We aim to accelerate application-relevant discovery through dynamic collaboration.