Math and Planing

Ecosystem wild area

The wild area of the ecosystem is 500 ha = 50.00 km2 of area, this zones are dedicate only for the flora and fauna

Ecosystem populated area

The poblated area of the ecosystem is 1,500 ha = 150.00 km2 of area, this areas are dedicate only for the pollinator animals, agriculture zones, parks, and residential housing for families 

Agriculture zones area

The agriculture zones of the ecosystem are of 25 ha = 2.50 km2 of area and ceiling and the walls of 3 meters , this zones are dedicate only for the vegetables and fruits crops and some homes( are 4 ). 

Departaments volume

The department buildings are of 23.70 x 18.00 meters, 5 floor ecological buildings, having the first one as the lobby and the others as departments.

Each floor will have 4 departments of 96 square meters and 4 departments and 425 square meters per floor. In total the building will have 7,177.5 of total volume.

Clean energy

We'll use solar panels for our ecosystem because we think they adapt better to our ecosystem. They measure between 1 meter wide and 1.5 meters long, each solar panel generates 100 kilowatts of power for departments, and for the other buildings like supermarkets we need to generate 400 kilowatts. Like this panels generate 100 kilowatts for day or more we'll build 1,000 solar panels in our ecosystem.

Clean water systems

The cleaning water systems are going to purify water of the ecosistem, are many tanks, the volume of one is of 1,500 square meters, this ones are connected for to use to drink water and more

Tramcar volume

The tramcar cabin can carry between 10 and 20 people. With a distance of 100 meters between stations, there would be 150 tramcars, with stations 7 meters high, a distance of 1 meter from the ground, and with a space of 12 square meters.

Bicycle Stations

The cost of implementing bicycle stations is approximately $22,000 dollars, the stations have 15 bicycles each.

Glass dome volume

The glass dome can carry between 50 and 70 people, there would be 5 glass domes of 20 meters high and 50 x 50 meters wide.

Total area of ecosystem

The ecosistem in total is of 2,000 ha = 200.00 km2