Google Summer of Code

During the Google Summer of Code, I was responsible for setting up the continuous integration and deployment (CI and CD) for polyphy. Several services, including GitActions, Readthedocs, Codecov, and Appveyor, were utilized. GitHub actions are used to test on Linux and MacOS using Python versions 3.8+. Windows is being tested on the Appveyor service. For documentation, it is set up through a service called Readthedocs and tested on every pull request. Sphinx creates the documentation on Readthedocs. Gatekeeping tests were added, such as Codecov, which is a service that generates a report of how much code has been tested. I also set up the CLI interface, which allows users to run command line arguments. Linting was added to enforce code style and clean code; Flake8, Google Yapf, Pylintrc, and Isort. These all run on push and pull requests. Finally, I refactored the code to create the polyphy 2d and 3d class templates using inheritance. This program has allowed me to gain experience in working on code with other groups of people who share a common goal. I was also able to increase my knowledge of the Python language.

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

Along with GSOC, I applied to the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP). During this time I spent 10 weeks in Philadephia to participate in this program 5x a week 10 am - 3 pm. I had the opportunity to be introduced to basic lab research in a biology and chemistry lab where we did multiple labs. Through the program, I gained a lot of basic research skills such as micropippeting and gel electrophoreses. I feel like this program has introduced me to many faculty that would be helpful in getting the opportunity to work in a lab. At the end of the program, we chose a lab to create a poster, CRISPR-Cas-9 Editing of LacZ Gene in Ecoli. This poster was presented at the end of the program as well as at the Temple CST symposium

PDF Version of Poster => Biology -- CRISPR POSTER.pptx