This reflective tool helps you think about the way you learn, what you usually do, and what seems to help you when you study.
This reflective tool helps you think about the way you learn, what you usually do, and what seems to help you when you study.
These short learning tests help you discover how you approach learning vocabulary, practicing speaking, writing, and reading in foreign languages, and suggest new strategies you could try.
These short learning tests help you discover how you approach learning vocabulary, practicing speaking, writing, and reading in foreign languages, and suggest new strategies you could try.
This video bank features interviews with successful Deaf and hard-of-hearing learners, sharing practical tips and proven strategies for mastering foreign languages. Explore their insights and try them out.
This video bank features interviews with successful Deaf and hard-of-hearing learners, sharing practical tips and proven strategies for mastering foreign languages. Explore their insights and try them out.
Deaf learners are visual learners—but is it really that simple? Explore the findings of our research into the learning styles and preferences of young deaf and hard-of-hearing learners.
Deaf learners are visual learners—but is it really that simple? Explore the findings of our research into the learning styles and preferences of young deaf and hard-of-hearing learners.
Good luck with your language learning. Happy langskilling!
This material was developed for the LangSkills II project (2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000023473). It has been funded with support from the European Commission. It reflects the views of the authors only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
The project aims to improve the foreign language learning experience for Deaf, deaf, and hard of hearing learners. It focuses on learning styles and learning strategies that learners apply or can apply to make the learning process more effective, thereby seeking to promote autonomous approach to learning.
The project aims to improve the foreign language learning experience for Deaf, deaf, and hard of hearing learners. It focuses on learning styles and learning strategies that learners apply or can apply to make the learning process more effective, thereby seeking to promote autonomous approach to learning.