Mā te ruku. Mā te wānanga. Mā te kōrero. Mā te aro atu. Mā te wetewete ka mārama ai te kaupapa.

He Kohinga Kōrero - He Kohinga Whakaaro - Hei Tūāpapa

Ko Ako Te Tūāpapa o Aromatawai

Ako and Aromatawai are intrinsically connected.

The Ako Framework: principles, approaches, and high-quality teaching practices to support learning outlines teaching and learning practices for kaupapa Māori and Māori medium settings that cannot be left to chance. Ako provides the clarity, consistency, and specificity for kaiako to implement high-quality ako.

An Aromatawai approach is used to understand and identify the teaching and learning that has occurred, evidenced through mokopuna progress, achievement, and success. An Aromatawai approach provides authentic relevant ways to monitor progression and development of learning that are mutually valued by ākonga, whānau, hapū and iwi in collaboration with their kura and community.

In the workshops:

Ako will focus on:

Aromatawai will focus on:

Workshop Registration


Engagement Documents

Contact Email

If you have any questions in relation to the workshops email