Postdoc announcement

The Quantum Matter Team at the Center of Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA-IST) invites applications for postdoctoral position on Dissipative quantum many-body Chaos.

The successful applicant will develop a joint project with Prof. Pedro Ribeiro (q.m@t-CeFEMA-IST) on Dissipative Quantum Many-body Systems and Quantum Chaos. The work will be integrated in the QuantERA financed project “Dissipative Quantum Chaos Perspective on Near-Term Quantum Computing” [DQUANT]. The successful applicant is expected to collaborate with other project partners.

The appointment is for two years, a six-month extension might be possible depending on the starting date.

Candidates are expected to hold a PhD in Physics in the areas of Condensed Matter Physics and/or Quantum Information. Experience in quantum dynamics and open quantum systems is preferable.

Applications shall include: 

(a) curriculum vitae; 

(b) list of publications; 

(c) brief research statement (no more than one page); 

(d) two recommendation letters sent by the references of the candidate;

These elements should be sent to: with title QuantERA-CeFEMA Postdoc Application - “Name of the Candidate”.

To receive full consideration, applications should be submitted by October 31, 2022. Applications will be considered after this deadline until the position is filled.

For any further information, please contact:

Prof. Pedro Ribeiro


address: CeFEMA, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 

Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal